Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Plan of Gods

There is a plan. Nothing is random. Nothing. After God had created His spirit children, He gave them a plan whereby they could progress. The plan is given various names, depending on the part of the plan that the Lord would like emphasized. It is the plan of happiness to denote that those who choose to follow it will be happy, and not miserable. It is the plan of salvation to indicate that those who follow it are saved at every level they desire. It is the plan of redemption to explain that the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, is anointed to redeem all mankind from their lost and fallen state; there is a way out through Him. The plan of restoration tells us that we can be restored to heaven whence we came if we follow the plan. It is a plan laid out for all to see. It is a plan whereby the children of God can become as He is. There are actually two separate, but interconnected, plans. One is for the children of God, and the other is for the Son of God. Agency is essential, because each part of the creation of a god is a choice.


The Path of the Children of God

The spirit children of God are in heaven with Him. They have existed forever as intelligences and have made choices to obey Him which allowed them to receive a spirit body. The next level is to gain a physical body like that of God, the Father. Growing up would require them to acquire knowledge and experience. To be able to have judgment they must experience all things, both good and evil. Good is allowed in heaven, but evil is not, so they had to leave heaven to experience evil. As they experience evil, they must pass the test of obedience to be able to return.

The plan is to take them from their innocent spiritual state to become as God is. They must learn to distinguish good and evil by their own experience. They must leave heaven where all things are provided for their comfort to be separated from God. The plan is a series of choices, like climbing a ladder. Those who make the choice to progress are offered more choices, and thus, they climb up the ladder. Some never get on the ladder. Some jump off the ladder, falling into hell. Most reach a stopping point and stay on their current rung. Few climb the ladder all the way to the top. We don’t have a lot of different choices to make at any given time, there is only one choice at a time. Stay or go. Keep what you have or sacrifice it to gain more. I must let go of my current position so I can move to the next rung. Those who move forward lose everything they have, willingly letting go, so they can move on to receive something greater.


First decision: stay with God, or be cast out of heaven.

The first choice is given in the premortal life. God gave each of us a choice that He declared “forbidden,” represented by the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Agency, or the ability to choose was given by having something that was forbidden by God. Now there was a choice. Before the “tree” was placed in the garden there was no choice, all we had was the tree of life.

Those who chose what was forbidden would be cast out, becoming evil, they cannot stay in heaven, they die. Those who did not eat the fruit stay as spirits in heaven, remaining clean, but they do not progress to become like God. They do not have a plan but remain as they are – they are done. They do not need a plan. They do not need a savior. They remain just. Those who transgressed the commandment of God are going to be cast out, and need a way back. They need a plan.

After the first decision there are two groups in heaven: 

  1. Those who did not transgress the law and remain just and pure so they can stay in heaven as spirits. They are done, and no longer have any more decisions, but remain as they are forever. 
  2. Those who transgressed the law, so they are no longer worthy to remain in heaven. Ironically, these are the ones who are able to move into the plan of salvation, and will have more choices.


Second decision: Choose between the plan of the Father or that of Lucifer

The next choice is given to those who are going to move forward. Before they leave His presence, the Father explains that they must leave, but He will provide a way back for those who desire it. He would make a place between heaven and hell that would be a place of probation, earth. He offered the plan of redemption whereby all could be redeemed if they would make covenants with Him to be obedient and to sacrifice the things of the world when they get there. Because they are on probation for disobedience, they will be tested specifically on their willingness to obey God. Those who agree to make the covenants with Him can come to earth and be born into the family of Adam, receiving a body, and pass through their probation.

The other option was given by Lucifer, a son of the morning, who offered an alternate plan, promising all to return without having to suffer. No covenant would be necessary. It was a lie, because being forced to obey takes away agency and prevents obedience, but many spirits believed, and would not make a covenant with the Father. Those who refused to make the covenant of obedience cannot be on probation, so they will not born in a body on the earth. They are cast out of heaven but have no way back. They are done, and are lost to God.

After these first two decisions, there are three groups:

  1. Those who did not partake of the “forbidden fruit” who remain with God as just spirits in heaven forever.
  2. Those who partook of the “forbidden fruit” who follow Lucifer and refuse to covenant with God.
  3. Those who partook of the “forbidden fruit” who make a covenant with Elohim of obedience and sacrifice. These are the only ones who move on to the next step in the plan.

Third decision: Follow Christ or stay in the world.

Those who made covenants of obedience and sacrifice move to the next step in the plan. They are born on the earth into a physical body with no memory of what went on before. They have a newfound power because of that body, being able to feel and have power to manipulate the physical world.

Having no memory of what went before, they are able to make choices on their own without the direct influence of God. The next choice is to seek God, or not. Either they are going to keep the covenants made before they came, or not. Now that they have the power of emotions and creation, they can choose not to keep their promise. Instead, they can be worldly and do as they please. The world is a place of the contrast of good and evil. We have the equal ability to do either. We can choose to do good, or evil. We are enticed by both equally so our choices matter.

In the world, there is only one choice – to follow Christ, or not. If we follow Him, we will do as He says, and do what He did, including baptism. Baptism helps us to re-iterate the covenants made in the spirit by making a new covenant of obedience and sacrifice in the flesh. It is being born and receiving a new name, the name of Christ, signifying a willingness to die to all that is of the world to be part of the family of God.

Now there are four distinct groups of the children of God.

  1. Those who did not “partake of the forbidden fruit” who remain with God as spirits in heaven forever.
  2. Those who “ate the fruit” but follow Lucifer and refuse to covenant with God. becoming evil spirits forever. 
  3. Those who transgressed the law in premortal life and make a covenant with Elohim of obedience and sacrifice, but do not keep those covenants when they come into the world.
  4. Those who transgressed the law who make and keep their covenant in this life, following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into the waters of baptism.


Choice 3.1 a different path for the lost: Choose Jesus out of the world.

Those who choose not to be baptized are off the path and are done. They do not move forward or progress but remain outside of the kingdom of God, dead, or damned. They cannot endure the presence of the Father. However, because the Father loves His children so much, He has given them more choices so they don’t end up in darkness and misery. They have another path to choose. Their next choice is to be ethical and honorable towards others, or to only live for what they want. The choice is still the same, but with their eyes opened after death and separation from their bodies, they can choose to submit to the Lord, Jesus Christ.  They repent of their sins and are forgiven through the great and last sacrifice of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Those who do this will inherit the “terrestrial kingdom,” with less power than the celestial. They may have the presence of Jesus Christ, but are not ever able to be with the Father. They remain in this state forever, never having any further glory.


Choice 3.2: Confess Jesus Christ and bow to Him or suffer forever.

Those who do not choose to keep the covenants they made of obedience and sacrifice and will not repent of their sins even after they die, will suffer because of them. They will be buffeted by the evil spirits who follow Satan, suffering with the damned souls in hell. They continue to suffer until the last resurrection, or the final judgment, at which time they are given another chance at salvation. Either they can choose to submit to Jesus Christ, who will bring them into a kingdom of glory to end their suffering, or they can refuse to submit and be cast out with Satan and his angels to continue in hell forever. If they do not choose to bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the Christ, their Lord, then they are cast out of any connection with God. They have no glory. This last group are so proud and independent that they would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

At this point, there are six different groups of the children of God:

    1. Those who remain with God as spirits in heaven forever.

    2. Those spirits who followed Lucifer and are cast out of heaven.

-- Those who transgressed the law and made covenants with Elohim but do not keep those covenants. They receive a body, but are all damned to be what they are forever, never to increase in glory. They are off the path to eternal life. They are divided into three groups.

            3. Those who receive the testimony of Jesus Christ after they die, repent of their sins, and commit to serve Him end up terrestrial glory forever, never to increase.

            4. Those who refuse to repent after they die, suffer for their own sins, and then accept the offer of Jesus Christ, submitting to Him, receive a telestial glory forever.

            5. Those who refuse to submit to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and have no glory. They receive a body but end up in outer darkness with Satan and his angels forever.

    6. Those who “partook of the forbidden fruit” who make and keep their covenant in this life, following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into the waters of baptism. These are the only ones who move on. They receive a celestial glory. 

The fourth decision: The Temple Endowment

Going back to the path of those who are on the plan of salvation, those who get baptized are admitted into the kingdom of heaven, back into the presence of God, the Father. They now have a choice: they can make further covenants to live the laws of God, or not. Keeping the baptismal covenant is the gate to enter the kingdom of God, the Father, but moving forward requires further covenants. There are many who receive baptism, who feel that they have enough, and don’t move on. They don’t continue to learn and grow. They are finished. Those who do not make or keep these higher covenants stay in the lowest degree of the celestial kingdom.

The temple endowment is an outline of the path from our premortal life to our triumphant return to heaven to receive the glory of God. The endowment is a gift of power, the power to know where I am in the plan, and what the next steps are, and what needed to achieve eternal life. 

·       Washing from the blood and sins of the people among whom we live, including the murders such as wars, abortions, business, and other institutional human sacrifices.

·       Anointing to become kings and queens, priests and priestesses to God.

·       Clothing in the garment of the holy priesthood for protection from the destroyer. Clothing represents the physical body that covers, protects, and gives power to the spirit.

·       A new name, indicating birth into a new life, a new family, and a new existence.

·       Creation is the outline of the plan of the Gods. Obedience is creation.

·       The Garden, representing our premortal life and choosing to do what was forbidden, and then making a covenant with Elohim of obedience and sacrifice.

·       The world, or telestial kingdom, where we make the covenant of the gospel and receive the priesthood.

·       The terrestrial kingdom, where we make two covenants, to live the law of chastity, and the law of consecration, and where we learn to communicate with God.

·       The veil, where we are tested for our knowledge and faithfulness, being judged by the standard of Jesus Christ, and were we may be admitted into the kingdom of God through Him, if we pass the tests.

·       The celestial kingdom, a place of peace, rest, and freedom to move. 

    The fifth decision: The sealing 

        We are given the choice to covenant and become one with our spouse, the requirement to becoming one with God. It is only the man and woman together who make a complete human being with the ability to be as God is. 


      The last two decisions divide those who receive a celestial glory into three groups. In the celestial glory there are three degrees. Those on the lowest level are baptized and keep their covenant. Those in the middle degree have received the covenants of chastity and consecration, and keep these laws. Only those who are sealed to a spouse and keep their covenant of unity can be in the highest level of the celestial kingdom. Now, the children of God are divided into eight distinct groups who all differ in their level of glory:

1.          1. Those who remain with God as spirits in heaven forever.

    2. Those spirits who followed Lucifer and are cast out of heaven forever.

-- Those who transgressed the law and made covenants with Elohim but do not keep those covenants, so they fall off the path. They are divided into three groups: 

            3. Those who receive the testimony of Jesus Christ after they die, repent of their sins, and commit to serve Him end up terrestrial glory forever.

            4. Those who refuse to repent after they die, suffer for their sins, and then because of their suffering they are humbled enough to bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the Christ will receive a telestial glory forever.

            5. Those who refuse to submit to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and have no glory. They receive a body but end up in outer darkness with Satan and his angels forever. This includes all those who fall, such as those who deny the Holy Ghost. These are the sons of perdition. 

    6. Those who fell in the garden but make and keep their covenant in this life, following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into the waters of baptism, but do not move forward to receive covenants in the temple. This is their end; they do not increase. They are damned in the kingdom of God as separate, single servants to the gods forever. 

    7. Those who are fallen, but follow Christ, are baptized, who make and keep covenants in the temple, including chastity and consecration, but are not sealed to a spouse. They have a higher glory in the middle degree of the celestial kingdom, but this is the end of their glory, they are damned, stopped, and cannot move forward to eternal life.

    8. Those who fall before mortality and complete their probation by making and keeping all the covenants and being sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise to their spouse become kings and queens. This is the only group that continues on to receive all heights and glories, moving on to the next plan, creating and growing forever. Only these are the gods. They have fulfilled the plan. Indeed, the plan was created for them. Jesus Christ suffered and died for them. These are His friends for whom He sacrificed. They are the reason for the whole project. The reason everything else exists is so these few can receive eternal life. 


This is the path. It accounts for all the children of God from the beginning except for One. The endowment in the temple only outlines this path to eternal life, the highest degree of the celestial kingdom, for everyone except Jesus. Those who drop out along the way are simply not on the path and are not included in the ceremony, except for the inclusion of Lucifer-Satan as the necessary opposition to the plan, the other choice. We follow Adam and Eve on the path to eternal life as they make each decision correctly to move on to the next level. Each decision they make is the right one to keep them on the path. By doing as they did, all can fulfill their ultimate destiny of eternal life and exaltation through the mercy and grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 


The Path of the Lord

The only other known path through this part of life is traversed by only One of the children of God: the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the only One to be on His path. He did it alone. His path is overall the same, in that it starts in heaven with Elohim, goes to the earth with all the others, and ends in celestial glory, but some of the choices along the way are different, and, most important, He chooses to obey God in all things.


First decision: Do the will of God, choosing to be the Savior of all.

When God presented the plan to His children, Jehovah stood up and volunteered to be the Savior, and give the glory, or the entire work, to God.


Second decision: Do the will of God by not partaking of the forbidden fruit.

He does not take of the forbidden fruit. He remains just, pure, and clean in the sight of God. He is not cast out of heaven.


Third decision: The covenant of obedience and the law of sacrifice.

Just as we are required to make covenants of obedience and sacrifice with the Father so we can go to earth and receive a body, the Lord makes a covenant with Elohim that He will be obedient and sacrifice all that He is commanded by the Father. He came only to do the will of the Father, as He stated. 


Fourth Decision: Come to earth.

He did not take the fruit, so He is not cast out of heaven like everyone else. We are forced, or cast out of heaven to earth, but He came willingly, out of love, to save His siblings who are lost and fallen. He is born into a body to suffer the pain and deprivation of being mortal, including separation from God despite never having transgressed a law of God.


Fifth Decision: Resist temptation

He suffers temptations in the flesh, but keeps His covenants, and gives in to none of them, remaining pure and clean before God. He kept His covenant of obedience made before the world was created.


Sixth Decision: Baptism and other covenants

Jesus submitted to the will of the Father in being baptized and receiving other covenants on the Mount of Transfiguration.


Seventh Decision: Suffering the wrath of God

He keeps His promise to suffer the pains of a damned soul, suffering the will of the Father, descending into hell to know eternal torment. 

Eighth  Decision: Death

He allows Himself to be slain by wicked men to die on the cross. He had power over death, allowing Himself to die. 


Nineth Decision: Resurrection

Being the Son of God, He has power over death, and has the authority to resurrect His body to become a living soul forever. 


Tenth Decision: Judgment

He did it right. He kept His promises. He did not stray but stayed on the path. He can go back to heaven triumphant, never having transgressed the commandment, but still experiencing evil. He descended below all things and can rise above all things. He is judge over all. He is the standard by which all are judged. Though He was not on the same path, He has experienced the entire spectrum of good and evil. He knows. His friends will know Him and want to be with Him, while His enemies will not be comfortable in His presence. He loves His enemies, and blesses them with grace. The judgment brings us to the connection between His plan, and ours.


Intersecting the Plans

The path of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is unique, very different from ours, but parallel in place. He did the path that the Father gave Him. He did it alone. He was the only One who did the will of the Father in all things from the beginning. Thus, He is the only one worthy to return to God, so there is no other way for anyone else to return to God. He is exalted on high of His own merits, but every other child of God is unworthy without Him. We all need Him. His worthiness and descent into hell allows Him to bring all those on probation back to heaven with Him.

He suffered unjustly. He was not disobedient. He remained just and pure, yet He suffered as though He were guilty, thus creating a debt to justice. His justice is our mercy. The plan was carried out perfectly. We only have a plan because of Him. The choices included in every step of this plan are only possible because of Him. Life is only available to anyone because of His sacrifice. He brings those who believe in Him to the presence of God. He is the advocate for all, giving grace to everyone, and mercy to all who accept His offer.

Taking up His body after being dead for three days is a power He possessed because He is the Son of God. His resurrection allows Him to give others the authority of resurrection. It is a gift given to all who were born on the earth into a body. This is the only part of salvation that is received by those who are cast out and lost to outer darkness. 

Without His plan, we would have no plan at all. We all would be cast out with Lucifer and just be gone forever. Only the angels who did not “partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” would remain just spirits, unable to know good and evil, and never becoming like God. These do not need Jesus to justify them because they remain just in themselves. They don’t need salvation, but are damned to be as they are forever for they cannot move forward, but remain innocent, naïve, or ignorant. They do not know good and evil and therefore cannot be as the gods. Thus, there would be only two groups: the spirits who stay with God in innocence, and those who know good and evil who are cast out of heaven. The plan allows us to experience good and evil, and still be justified in heaven.

The only purpose of the plan is eternal life

Because Jesus Christ fulfilled His plan, each child of God is empowered to learn good and evil by their own experience, and still return to God, being like Him, through a series of choices, one at a time. But, the choice is always the same: Stay where I am, or give up what I have and move on to the next step. If I choose to continue in the plan I am given another choice, and then another. At every juncture a majority drops out of the plan, choosing to stay where they are. With each choice, few choose to continue in the plan because they will not let go of what they have. Thus, in the end, a tiny minority receive eternal life, to become gods, rulers, kings and queens, priestesses and priests who move on to greater heights and glories. It would be imagined, then, that even in the highest heaven, those who move on may have such choices to move on while the majority stay behind.

This plan is for each of the children of God to have eternal life. Jesus did not die for the many who drop out and are damned. He did not suffer even for those who return to the celestial glory in the lower degrees. His mission is to fulfill the plan of the Father, which is eternal life. Jesus chose His path only for those who complete all and choose life. The others receive the benefits of the sacrifice He made so they could choose. He enables them to choose damnation, but that isn’t His purpose. The heavens weep over all those who are lost, and rejoice over all those who choose God to be their Father. Because of the love of Christ, some form of salvation is universal for all the children of God, but the purpose of the plan is for the few who gain eternal life. The purpose is not to create servants, but peers. He did it for His friends, not for the many who choose damnation.


Alternative Plans

God’s plan includes a savior to atone for the sins of His children. This savior justifies the rest, and gives them choices to make so they can receive the level of glory that they desire. The problem is that so many are lost on the way. Each choice creates many who are damned, and few who move on, leaving very few who receive eternal life, the purpose of the plan. I wonder if those few are worth the suffering created, not just in the Lord, Jesus Christ, but in all those who are lost who are damned forever, and who suffer for their sins or suffer in hell with the devil and his angels.

I think precisely for this reason, Lucifer offered another option. Lucifer’s plan takes away agency, forcing compliance and obedience to bring everyone back. This seems like it averts a lot of suffering, and many believed it was more reasonable than the plan of God, however, it cannot produce gods. Nobody could have eternal life if they are not free to choose. This plan only creates servants, robots who are programmed to do what they do. They are not free. They cannot choose. They are cooks who can only go by a cookbook, not chefs who can create something new. This is not life, but death and damnation. Thus, Lucifer’s plan is not a real option. 

Maybe there could be another possible plan. What if there was no tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or if it was there, nobody took the fruit. Everyone remains just. Then, everyone can do the plan of Jesus. Everyone would choose to follow the counsel of God, and come to earth to receive a body and experience evil, but not succumb to it. We could experience the suffering of hell and understand guilt, shame, loss, separation from God, and all the effects of evil the way Jesus did. Then, all would know, and remain just and pure to return to God. This would truly be the way to follow Jesus, to actually traverse the same path, make all the same decisions, and be worthy to return, as He did. There would be no need for a savior because all would remain children of God, either in the spirit or in the flesh. This overcomes the obstacle of justice because the choice would be to stay as spirits In heaven, or go to earth and suffer evil. If I make a choice to suffer, then there is no debt to justice in my suffering. Everyone remains just so none are lost, not one. 

If God had made such a plan there would only be two groups: those who choose the path of suffering and gain eternal life by their own righteousness, and those who choose not to come to earth and experience evil and gain a body, but remain as spirits in heaven. However, if there really is agency, meaning each person is free to choose, and they are tempted by evil, then sometimes they will choose the wrong thing. Then, they are left out of heaven forever with no hope of salvation. Thus, there would be a much larger group that are not saved because they could not withstand evil, making bad choices and being damned in hell, cast out of heaven forever. Those who made one single little mistake are never allowed back into heaven and there is no place for them so they remain in outer darkness. 

Thus, there may be other ways to accomplish parts of the goal, but the way God chose has many advantages. Really, though, the gift of agency, which allows for individual differences and choices would require a fall, probation, and a savior. We owe a debt of gratitude to our Savior because He makes all things possible for us. We can choose, experience evil, and return to the Father justified and clean with experience that gives us wisdom and judgment to be like Him. I think there is no other way.


There are no second chances

It is often said that God is “a god of second chances,” but that is not the case. He is no respecter of persons. Everyone has the exact same chance. It is only our own decisions that make us who we are, or that make His grace available. Nobody has more grace, or mercy, than another. The “second chance” is just a different part of salvation. The full meaning of salvation is to receive the gift of eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God. Each person is presented with exactly the same choices to receive this gift. There is no “second chance” at this. Either you are on the path, or not. If you choose to stay with what you have, then you are off the path, and only by choosing to go back on the path could that possibly happen. There is a time granted for repentance, which is this life. Once we come to judgment, we no longer have the option.

When those who die are given another chance to accept Christ after this life it is not a second chance to receive a celestial glory, but rather to be saved from suffering, or to be saved from hell in a lower kingdom of glory. While these are forms of salvation, it is not a celestial glory, nor the possibility of eternal life. No one can go back and make a different choice than the one they made. Once a choice is made, it is forever! 

Those who are taught the gospel and receive it after they die but before the resurrection may receive eternal life, but, this is actually their first chance as they had not heard of Christ or had the opportunity for baptism while they were alive – they still only have one. All will have their time to decide, but once they decide, it is forever. Those who did not take the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil will never have the chance again. Those who chose to go with Lucifer and not make a covenant with God will never ever be able to be born into a body. Those who receive a terrestrial glory will never see the Father. Those who receive a telestial glory will never know Jesus Christ. Those who are not sealed to a spouse by the Holy Spirit of promise will never receive eternal life. Never. The choice has been made. The option is gone. It is what it is – forever.

Though we have always existed, the opportunities to move forward are limited. Only by choosing the path outlined by God can anyone increase. Eternal life means growing forever. There is a beginning, but no end. There is a bottom, but no top. Temperatures can be absolute zero, but reach infinite highs. Relative speeds can be zero but without a top speed. Likewise, we start from being the smallest individual intelligence on the bottom rung of the ladder but can continue to grow forever. By becoming one with God, we gain the gift of eternal life, E Pluribus Unum

Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit

Under the law of Moses the people of God were required to bring the first fruits of the field and the firstlings of their flocks to put them on the altar and burn them up. This was a big sacrifice because the people depended on these things for their sustenance. However, after His resurrection, the Lord, Jesus Christ, instituted the sacrament among the Nephites, and spoke of a new sacrifice. 

And ye shall offer up unto me no more the shedding of blood; yea, your sacrifices and your burnt offerings shall be done away, for I will accept none of your sacrifices and your burnt offerings. And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. (3 Nephi 9:19-20)

The covenant people no longer would bring animals to the altar, instead they would make a different sacrifice -- a sacrifice of their own heart and spirit. 

The heart represents the deepest wants, needs, and desires of the individual. It is the “raison d’etre” of each person, the most basic reason for living. Your heart is what you really want, it’s the reason why of everything you say, everything you feel, and everything you do. You can know your heart by the things you say and do, simply ask, "why?" The things you love that make you happy give you the desires of your heart. When you are anxious you fear losing the desires of your heart. You become depressed when there is no hope in getting what you need to fill your heart. Whatever you feel you need is your heart. 

My Broken Heart

Since I only know one heart, I’m going to use my own heart as an example: 

I have three things that drive me. 

  1. I need to feel loved. 
  2. I need peace and rest
  3. I need justification and redemption

These are my needs, and my reason for being. There is nothing wrong with having needs, or having a heart, our problems only come from trying to fulfill our needs with the things of the world. Because I am in the world my heart believes that these needs can be filled by the things around me that I can see, hear, and feel. 

  1. My heart believes that I would feel loved if other people, such as family and friends, loved me.  
  2. My heart believes that peace and rest will come from money -- having wealth, lands, houses, and stuff of the world.
  3. My heart believes that justification comes through the honors of men -- everyone must agree that I’m a good guy. 

This is my life, these are my gods, or the idols I worship. These are at the heart of why I do anything at all. For example, this is why I became a medical doctor -- it would help me to get these three things: 

  1. Love, 
  2. Money, 
  3. and the honors of men. 

So I went to work to get my needs filled. I did everything right. I wanted the Lord to help me so I served a mission. I worked hard in school. I got sealed in the temple, had children, started my career helping people, served in the community in a Rotary club, had callings in the church, I became a temple worker and built my dream house. I was doing great! I was on the road to fulfillment! I was being blessed because of my faithfulness and diligence. The Lord had given me everything I needed.

But then tragedy struck, and everything I cared about and needed was taken from me. Through a series of unfortunate events I lost my medical license and my medical practice, and became a pariah among my peers, my wife left me and took my children so I lost my family and the home I had built with my own blood, sweat, and tears; and to add insult to injury, my best friend died and I lost my only confidant, the only person I ever really loved. 

  1. I had nobody who loved me.
  2. I was homeless and had no way to make money.
  3. I had no honor or respect. 

Within only a few years I lost everything I had my heart set on in the world. My heart was broken. 

Everyone Must Have a Broken Heart

A broken heart is when the deepest desires of the heart are either lost or never received. My mom told me that life is perfectly fair, sooner or later it breaks everyone’s heart. Indeed, President Nelson told of his broken heart with the death of his wife and two daughters. Wendy Nelson told of her broken heart in never having children. When Jesus was one month old, Simeon blessed Mary and told her that a sword would pierce her soul. Who can doubt her broken heart as she stood at the foot of the cross bearing her eldest Son?

Anything we need of the world to fill the desires of our heart will always end in failure -- a broken heart. You cannot have them. They are fantasies because everything in the world is temporary. Things change, people die, thieves steal, and “moth and rust doth corrupt” everything around us. 

  1. There is no enduring comfort in the world. 
  2. There is no peace or rest in the world.
  3. There is no redemption in the world. 

Seeking fulfillment in the things of the world is why “the natural man is an enemy to God.” You are trying to fill an infinite need with something temporary. Do you think you can eat your favorite meal once and never be hungry again? This is why worshipping idols causes addictions, we become a “bottomless pit” that is never filled. The problem with addictions is they seem like they would fill the need at least temporarily, but they never really do. As Alma told his son, Corianton, who was in that situation, “Wickedness never was happiness.” For these reasons, everyone must have a broken heart. 

Choosing a Broken Heart

Most don't have an option as life happens and things in the world change they either lose what they need or never are able to get it. Some get what they want and find that it doesn't fill the need. However, there are some who choose a broken heart. I was given opportunities to have everything I wanted in the world. I had offers of love from what I thought would be a perfect partner -- if I left my family. I also had offers for lots of money -- if I gave up my standard of integrity. I had to let these go, which broke my heart. 

Having the choice to leave a miserable life for what looks perfect is not unusual. In the early days of the latter-day church of Jesus Christ everyone had that option. They could stay with the floundering and miserable church, or go with some other group that seemed to be doing better. But this kind of choice has a dark side. The price you pay for getting what you want in the world is to sacrifice what you want in heaven. The sacrifice of future happiness is always part of getting what you want now. This is the broad gate and wide path that Jesus said many travel. Instead, I chose the narrow way and let go of the things of the world to keep my covenants, even though it broke my heart to do so. 

A Contrite Spirit

Losing all the hopes and dreams that I believed would fill my heart made me depressed. So, I went to a therapist to talk about my broken heart, and she told me, “You deserve to have all your needs met.” That is exactly what I wanted to hear -- it sounded right. I deserve it!

  1. I am loveable and deserve a family who loves me. 
  2. I work hard, and deserve money. 
  3. I help others so I deserve respect. 

I had to ponder on this concept for a long time before realizing that this was pride. Every thought of “I deserve...” was selfish. I had a broken heart, but without a contrite spirit. 

When people have a broken heart without a contrite spirit, they often become bitter and angry at the world, at God, and at those around them who do not give them what they feel are their rights. They may feel justified in hating others, like the Lamanites in the Book of Mormon, blaming the Nephites because they felt like they deserved to rule, and keep the brass plates, passing this anger down through many generations, having a spirit of pride and causing wars over it. Pride is holding on to the dreams of the world that cannot fulfill the needs of the heart. A poem I heard many years ago describes this attitude. 

As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend.
I brought my broken dreams to God, because He was my friend. 
But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone. 
I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. 
At last I snatched them back and cried, “how could you be so slow!?” 
“My child,” he said, “what could I do, you never did let go.” 

A contrite spirit is able to let go of  dreams, needs, wants, and desires. It does not feel deserving. Contrition is being humble, meek, and lowly. A contrite spirit is guilty, and ashamed, understanding why we need the Lord -- because we are “unworthy creatures” as King Benjamin described his people, who saw themselves as “less than the dust of the earth.” The contrite spirit lets go of the things of the world and trusts the Lord. 

A Mighty Change of Heart

So, I turned to the Lord. I wanted to be like the people of King Benjamin who went to listen to the prophet and hear about Christ for the first time -- and all of them had a mighty change of heart such that they had “no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.” 

Perhaps some of you have had such a mighty change of heart like the people of king Benjamin, or Alma and the sons of Mosiah, or like King Lamoni and His wife and parents, and all the people of Ammon. These all saw themselves in their lost and fallen state so they prayed for forgiveness and their hearts were changed immediately. They no longer had any desire to do evil, as Alma explains: 

Now they, after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence; and there were many, exceedingly great many, who were made pure and entered into the rest of the Lord their God. (Alma 13:12)

Jesus told the people that when the Lamanites were converted they had a mighty change of heart, but didn’t even know it! He said: 

And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost, even as the Lamanites, because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion, were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not. (3 Nephi 9:20)

Moreover, Mormon tells us that none of these ever fell away. That’s what I need -- to enter into the rest of the Lord because He fills all the desires of my heart. I need a mighty change of heart! I need The baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. So, I prayed as the people of King Benjamin: 

O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that [I] may receive forgiveness of [my] sins, and [my heart] may be purified; (Mosiah 4:2)

I waited... but nothing happened. 

Waiting Upon The Lord

For many years I have prayed for it, but I find that the needs of my heart are still there -- unfulfilled. And, worse yet, my heart still believes that those needs can be filled by the things of the world! I try to change my heart, but I can’t! It would be like lifting myself up by my bootstraps -- it cannot be done. I know in my head, but my heart still desires the lusts of the eyes. So, I remain as Nephi, who, near the end of his life, exclaimed, 

O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities. I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me. (2 Nephi 4:17-18)

However, I can also say, with Nephi, that “I know in Whom I have trusted.” I believe that Christ can change my heart forever so I remain faithful and trust that He will: 

  1. Give comfort through the Holy Ghost as I remember Him always. I am comforted as I pray, and I feel His love. 
  2. Give peace and rest as I take His yoke upon me, doing His work by keeping His commandments. I feel peace and joy in the temple so I go weekly. 
  3. Justify me as I repent of all my sins. I ask forgiveness, and He forgives me. 

His Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit

He offers these gifts to me out of His pure loving kindness. I know in my head that only the Lord can give these things and truly fill my heart. Only His infinite atonement can fill my infinite needs through His sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When He came to the garden of Gethsemane, He said: 

Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. (Luke 22:42)

He did not want to suffer, but He submitted to the Father, willingly sacrificing His heart to descend below all things. He chose to pay for the sins of all mankind, knowing that His heart would be broken again by each of God's children that does not come to Him and take advantage of His sacrifice. They will suffer for their own sins, even though He already did. Yet, He is longsuffering, meek, and lowly in heart such that He is even willing to suffer with those who reject Him. He loves us that much! 

Knowing these things, I trust Him that my heart will be changed in His own due time. Meanwhile, I must, like Nephi, deal with a heart that is set on the things of the world. So, I choose to break my heart daily by denying it what it wants of the world, putting off the natural man, and continually turning it to the Lord through prayer, fasting, attending the temple, searching the scriptures, and listening to the prophets. I bear with patience my infirmities. Then, I bring my broken heart to the Lord with a contrite spirit during the sacrament. Each week I come to the table, as an altar that contains the flesh and blood of the Lord representing His own sacrifice of His broken heart and contrite spirit. 

The emblems are blessed to my soul which is both the body and the spirit. 

  • I take the broken bread into my body to remember that His broken flesh will fill the needs of my hungry heart. 
  • I take the bitter cup into my body to remember that His shed blood will cleanse me and fill my spiritual needs. 

I pin all my hopes on Him, making a new covenant with Him every week to put off the natural man, and be meek, humble, submissive, longsuffering -- and patient -- to keep His commandments and always remember Him, so that I may have His Spirit to be with me as I wait for the fulfillment of His promise of a mighty change of heart, when He will permanently: 

  1. Fill my heart with His comforting love
  2. Give me peace and rest from all my labors, and
  3. Purify my heart. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Building a Kingdom in Heaven

David was anointed to be king as a young boy, but it was many years before he was crowned. He had to build his kingdom. He had to learn who he was. He had to fight Goliath, and lead the armies of Israel. He had to fight the enemy within, even to depose the reigning king Saul. He had to build his kingdom of the world. Each of these steps is required to fulfill that anointing. When he was ready, he was crowned king. 

In the temple men are anointed to become kings unto God. Like David, every young man gradually becomes a king in the process of growth. As a young knight, heading out on my first adventure to be a missionary in Venezuela, I was anointed to become a king. I had to learn what that meant, and build my own kingdom. I start out as a page, progress to a knight, then I become a prince, and finally a king. As a king, I can grow to be an elder, a wise king. Every man can become a king. 

Becoming a King

The process of becoming a king requires the anointing then growing up. A young page becomes a knight, going out on adventures, and learning about the world. The knight becomes a prince when he settles down and builds a kingdom, eventually becoming a king. He creates a kingdom that people will want to be a part of. 

Paradoxically, a king is determined by those who are subject to him, but at the same time his subjects do not make him a king. Rather, they choose him to be their king. Also, a man cannot become a king by force; a king cannot demand loyalty. People subject their will to him because they want him to rule over them, but he may not want to rule. 

I had a friend who was the most famous man in the world because he had a talent to be able to tell people what they wanted to hear. He had a kingdom that many people wanted to be a part of. They came to his house from all over the world just to see him. They wanted him to be their king. However, He did not want them in his kingdom. The gates were only opened for invited guests. He only wanted to have close friends and his own children, not strangers. He kept out everyone who wanted to be dependent -- they wanted something from him, they wanted him to give to them. He did not want to provide this, except at a distance. He was a reluctant king, “the king of pop.” He was avoiding becoming a king by hiding. Having many who wanted to be subjects did not make him their king. 

Kings protect and provide. There exactly four reasons for people to choose a king: 

1. Strength -- mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or other strengths make people feel secure that he can protect them.

2. Riches -- he has lots of stuff so he can provide for them. 

3. Popularity -- he has a lot of other followers.

4. Love -- he loves the people in his kingdom. 

These are not exclusive, a kingdom may contain all four qualities. The king decides what he will provide for those in his kingdom. Most find it easy to build their kingdom on their talents, wealth, political power, or popularity. These may endure for a while, but everyone leaves when the money, power, or popularity is gone. 

Ultimately love is the greatest foundation on which to build a kingdom. Love endures. The other reasons are fickle and do not last. The things of the world can be lost. The stories of ancient kingdoms are filled with examples of those with love who build a very strong kingdom, and then losing love and degrading into nothing. King Solomon was a wise king, an elder, who built a rich and powerful kingdom, only to have it destroyed by his successors who wanted wealth and power without love. 

Families are kingdoms that are often based on love, and may not have any of the other qualities. A family my have little of this world and still be loving. The father still protects and provides. The mother directs the work of the family, taking care of each other. This is the reason that families are essential to the existence of a society. Without love, everything degrades into political power, wealth, or popularity. Taking care of people is hard work that requires a sacrifice. Only love brings stability to a kingdom, or nation. The Proclamation on the Family closes with this chilling prophecy: 

Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets. (THE FAMILY, A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD; The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; 1995)

Jesus Christ, the King

Jesus came into the world, like all men, to build His kingdom of love. He grew up as all men do, going from a page to a knight, to a prince, and then becoming a king. As He grows, He learns who He is, and what He can do, both the ways of the world, and of God. 

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. (Luke 2:52)

We only have a record of Him as a Prince, building His kingdom as He he began preaching the gospel. In time, He became a King. The people of Jerusalem hailed Him as their King as He rode into the city on a donkey. Later, He told Pilate about His kingdom. 

Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me? Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. (John 18:33-37)

His kingdom is a true kingdom, based only on love; it is not of this world. His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, a kingdom of God. 

He is not creating a kingdom for Himself; He is creating His kingdom for His Father. He will take His kingdom that He has made with His blood, sweat and tears, and He will give all the glory of it to His Father, as He promised in the beginning. 

But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever. (Moses 4:2)

His path is known. He will organize His kingdom and put everyone in his place before presenting His kingdom to the Father, and then sit on a throne in His Father’s kingdom. 

...the fulness of times, when Christ shall have subdued all enemies under his feet, and shall have perfected his work; When he shall deliver up the kingdom, and present it unto the Father, spotless, saying: I have overcome and have trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. Then shall he be crowned with the crown of his glory, to sit on the throne of his power to reign forever and ever. (Doctrine and Covenants 76:106-108)

His kingdom is true. It includes all men. It will last forever. It is not finished, He is still building. His kingdom includes every one of God’s children who come to earth throughout time. Jesus came to the world to build a kingdom with His love, gathering all who will unto Him, and then He eventually will bring them all together and present it to His Father. This is the pattern He has outlined. 

Building My Kingdom

I likewise come to earth to build a kingdom, following Jesus Christ, to create a kingdom in the world. My kingdom is uniquely mine because of my unique talents and personality. I need to take what is given to me, such as talents and blessings, and enlarge them, using my gifts as a springboard to find what is my own in the world. I must use my unique pattern of gifts to bless others, gathering them into my kingdom. If I don’t take what I am given and make a kingdom in the world, then what I had will be taken from me and given to another, as Jesus taught in the parable of the talents. 

For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. (Luke 19:26)


I started out as a page, wanting to be a knight. 

When I left home I was a page to Eddy, and he taught me to go out on adventures and be a knight. 


I became a knight when I served a mission, starting my adventures. 

I did not marry Annette because I was still a knight, and was not ready to commit. I did not have means to support a family. 


Once I finished college, I was done with adventure, I was ready to settle down. I became a prince while in Medical School and got married. 

I started building my kingdom in the world. 

I built businesses. 

I built houses. 

I built a family. 

I got sidetracked when my world crumbled because of loss of my home, business and family through a divorce. 

I got a new business and a new home and family and started building again. I was still a prince, but now I was an old prince. 


Over time, I took what was given to me and made it my own, becoming a king.

I am now a king. I have a kingdom. I know who I am. I know where I belong. I know what I have, what is mine, and what I can give. 

I have no queen. (My “queen” is still a princess. I only hope that she may someday want to be a queen in my kingdom.)

Those who want to be in my kingdom are welcome; they can choose. 

I nurture them and provide for everyone in my kingdom. 

I love everyone in my kingdom. 


As a king, I continue to progress, becoming a wise king, like Solomon -- an elder. 

A king has dependents, but an elder is a mentor to help others become kings and queens. 

As an elder, I provide wisdom instead of goods and services. They are the pages, knights, princes and princesses that are in my kingdom. I am their king. They are in my kingdom. They are my subjects. They obey me and listen to me. I teach them to help them to develop and mature. 

My kingdom is mine. I possess it. I have power over it. I am ruler over it. 

I am. 

I am sovereign. 

As a king, I exist independent of all other entities. 

I am independent of any kings of the world. 

I am independent of God, the King of kings. 

I have the right to do anything I want in my kingdom. I rule. I reign. I make the laws. I expect obedience. Those who want to be in my kingdom must obey -- they are part of my kingdom because they want to follow me. I know who I am, and what I am. I possess myself. 

Subjects with a wise king are not exclusively loyal to a king of the world. They may have many kings of the world. Ultimately, all are subjects of the King of heaven, where our loyalty lies. 

This is my worldly kingdom. I must become a king in the world. I must possess myself. I cannot be a dependent page, knight, or prince in someone else’s kingdom. I have my own kingdom. My kingdom is of this world. It contains all that I possess, things, and people of the world. Like every other king, I collect things and people. They are part of my kingdom. My patients are part of my kingdom. My children are part of my kingdom. My friends are part of my kingdom. The pages, knights, and princes are part of my kingdom. I must set in order my own kingdom. I become a king over all I influence. 

Virtual Kingdom

My kingdom is based on money (I provide for my family), talents (I am able to help people with their health), and popularity (people come to me by referrals from others). It is made up of the people and things of the world. While these are not eternal, it is important for me to use them wisely and faithfully. They are my test to see what I can receive for myself in eternity. Jesus explains that we must use what we have been given in the world faithfully if we are to receive the things of eternity. 

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own? (Luke 16:10-12)

Being a king, I now have a kingdom that I have built with my blood, sweat, and tears. I possess myself, people, and things of the world. I have taken the talents I was given and built up a significant increase, but I know it is all virtual. It will all crumble to the dust, eventually. Everyone in my kingdom will die. I possess only things of the temporal world, in time, but not in eternity. Even if I were to build a large corporation and billions of dollars, with a foundation, schools, libraries, homes, lands, and all the things of the world. I may have buildings and streets named after me, but all of this will crumble. It will fall. It is nothing. It is virtual, not real. The Lord explained the difference: 

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal; But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (3 Nephi 13:19-21)

I have acquired the things of the world which will be corrupted and stolen. The things of the world are just metaphors for what is real, it’s only temporary. The next step is to sacrifice my virtual kingdom for a real one.  

Sacrificing My Kingdom

I can have a permanent, eternal kingdom if I do the same thing He did. He gave His kingdom to the Father to become a king in the kingdom of God. In the same way, I follow Him by sacrificing my virtual kingdom to Him. The king of the Lamanites explains the requirement for every man who is a king, who desires to be born of God and receive His Spirit: 

And it came to pass that after Aaron had expounded these things unto him, the king said: What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy. (Alma 22:15)

He eventually did forsake his kingdom to live among his former enemies who protected him from his own people. Likewise, I must give up the virtual if I want to have what is real. Jesus explained that even those I love of my own family must be sacrificed. 

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:34-37)

This is hard to give up my own family. I know. At one point, my first wife gave me the option to choose the Lord or my wife and children, as they had decided to be in the world. I chose the Lord, and they left me alone. 

I choose what is real over the virtual stuff that surrounds me. I present all that I have and all that I am to Him and He says: 

Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. (Luke 19:17)

Being faithful in very little refers to the virtual things of the world. To get an eternal kingdom, I must give all I have in the world to the Lord. I make Him my Lord and my King. He then gives me a portion in His true kingdom. The King of eternity is going to give kingdoms, or authority over the things of eternity. This is a forever kingdom. This is what lasts. It will not break down, or be lost, but will continue to increase. 

Becoming a King unto God

Once I have sacrificed my virtual kingdom, I can immediately begin to build a true kingdom based on love that will live, or grow, forever. Now I am starting over -- again! I gave up all I have to God, my entire kingdom, so I must start over, building a kingdom in the kingdom of God, filled with treasures in His kingdom. 

Do I start as a page, and find a knight to follow?

Do I start as a knight, seeking adventures and knowledge?

Do I start as a prince, like I have done twice before in building a kingdom of the world?

No, I start as a king, growing my kingdom and bringing others in. I was anointed to become a king unto God. I have enough of the things of the world, more than I need. I also have a knowledge of God. I have been building up knowledge that I can use to help others to come to Him. I know Him; He is my King. I teach of Him. I invite others to come to Him. My kingdom will be filled by those who desire to know Him. and serve Him. 

As Jesus stood before Pilate and explained that He was a King, and that His kingdom is not of this world, so I will build a kingdom filled with the riches of eternity. A kingdom of truth is built with people, the children of God. They are what constitutes “treasures in heaven.” 

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him. And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance. And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth! Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people. And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!  (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-16)

The most valuable things to have in my kingdom are not things, but people. I sacrifice things to win people. They want to be part of my kingdom because I love them by bearing their burdens, mourning with them, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, and taking in the homeless. 

Building a kingdom that is not of this world is difficult because we never know the extent of our kingdom. We may influence others to come to Christ and not know it. Jesus commended the righteous, but they didn't know what they had done to warrant a kingdom in heaven. 

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.  (Matthew 25:34-40)

The blessed who inherit a kingdom prepared for them before the world was created do not know the extent of their kingdom. They were building a kingdom with treasures in heaven by giving to others. The only enduring kingdom is built on love, especially charity, the pure love of Christ. A kingdom of eternity is not just given, it is built like any other kingdom. However, a true kingdom is made up of people who come to Christ and glorify God. My eternal kingdom which I present to the Lord is comprised of people that I bring to Him -- His children whom He redeems by His love. The more people I influence to come to God, the greater is my kingdom. My kingdom will be part of His. I am a king. He is my King. This is why He is the King of kings. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

On the Road Again

As I drive down the freeway, I encounter many different cars. I see what they are doing, and I try to avoid collisions with them. Some are slow. Some are in a hurry. Some have a hard time staying on the road, weaving through traffic. Some are courteous, letting others in, while others seem to be in a competitive race. Many are oblivious to the existence of other cars, such as driving slowly in the fast lane. Some are new, others old. There are all kinds of cars: sports cars, SUV's, trucks, and so forth. As one big car passes me, I see a whole family in it, with the mom driving. Another car passes and the windows are tinted so I cannot see who is in it. I can develop a whole paradigm of all the cars around me, not knowing a single individual who is driving. I judge them based on what I see, the outside. 

A Simile

The body is like a car. Everyone has a body. We mostly cannot see the drivers of the bodies around us, we just make inferences and judgments based on what we see. We see what they do, and how they look on the outside, the body, but we don’t see the spirit inside that controls the body. We are all on the road to eternal life. This is a new experience, having control of a body. I am the driver of my car -- a spirit controlling the body is like turning sixteen and getting a driver’s license. It’s fun to get a car! I can do so much with it. I have speed and power. I can move! I test the limits of my car, what can it do? I love this power to move! I love speed! I can even take passengers in my car. This body is a good thing for my spirit. 

As I’m driving down the road, I have a destination to return to my home in heaven where I came from. I don’t know how to get there so I consult the maps in the scriptures. I am trying to find the right road. There is only one real road, all the others are just tracks made by other cars going off the road. I need help. 


All along the way, there are other spirits that want to ride in my car. They don’t have a body. They are those who followed Lucifer and were cast out of heaven for rebellion, and will never have a body. These evil spirits are hitchhikers that want to feel the power of transportation and ride instead of walking. Then, once they get in, they want to drive. They love speed and power more than I do. They offer me whatever I want to let them drive. I can let a lot of passengers in the car, picking them up from the side of the road because they look interesting. They always ask me what I want, and then they promise me they can give it to me. Let’s make a deal! I let them in.

Some are sensual, wanting me to veer off the road seeking the pleasures of the flesh, including sex, drugs, music, food, and so forth. Some passengers are lying spirits that want me to believe things that aren’t true, or to accept a fantasy. Some are addiction spirits who tell me that if some feels good, more will feel better. Some are directly from Satan, the accuser, causing me to accuse others of wrongdoing. Some are spirits of depression that bring hopelessness. Some are anxious spirits that bring fear. Others use the name of the Lord in vain, telling me that they know the way to heaven. They all want to take over control of the vehicle, to be the driver. They promise to get me where I want to go. But if I let them drive, my car veers off course and they take me off the path of eternal life -- always! They don’t have a driver’s license, and have never taken driver training. They have no destination -- just anywhere except home. They will not stay on the road home. Some are very subtle and only go a little off, others make a complete illegal U-turn and send me back into the world against oncoming traffic. The demons all have two things in common: 1. They tell me I can have whatever I want of the world if I let them drive, and 2. they will never drive on the road to eternal life. Every evil spirit will take me off the road. 

A Hard Road

As the owner of the vehicle, I decide who will drive. I often get tired of driving so I look for someone else to drive. I get lazy and do not want to drive my own car, so I give the wheel to the hitchhikers who are dying to drive, and then I go to sleep in the back seat. Satan’s minions have never learned to drive, so they don’t stay on any road. They take their car on a destructive joyride, getting into all kinds of mischief. They take me through every mudhole and crash into every tree. They bump a lot of other cars while driving the wrong way down the road. They destroy my car, it is dirty and there are dents all over. It looks bad, inside and out. My car is a mess!

I wake up and see what is happening and get scared! I try to take control back, but I'm weak and unable. The demons have control, and do not want to give it up. They push me into the back seat. This starts a big, long struggle for control. 


It is so hard to kick out all passengers, clean out my car, and be my own boss. I don't have the power to do it. I need help. I hear of one, Jesus Christ, who has the power to help me take back control of the vehicle. I seek Him. He is everywhere. There are service stations with car washes along every road. I pull in and I ask Him to help and He cleans out the car for me. He takes out all the dents and makes my car like new -- and doesn't charge anything! The exit from the car wash always leads to the road home. That makes it easy. 

I now have control of my car. I will not let any more hitchhikers in the car. I will not listen to any demons in my head; I will drive them away. But then I am alone in the car in an unfamiliar place. I don’t know where I am, and I don’t know which road to take. There are so many wrong roads, and only one right road. I cannot see the end of any road, and I can't read the signs -- I don't know what they say. I am completely lost. There are hitchhikers with their own agenda all over the roads looking for a ride, each having a different way, none of which will take me where I want to go. I need help! There is no way for me to know which is the right road. I have driven around, hoping to find some kind of sign indicating which road I need to take to get back on the road to eternal life, but it’s dark, my headlights don’t work, and nothing is familiar. The posted signs are written in some foreign language that I cannot read. I don't want to leave the nice, bright, clean station and go back out on the road again! 

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

The service station has a gift for me when I leave. After the car is all cleaned out by the Lord, and there are no hitchhikers in it, He offers to send a navigator with me to show me the way. There is only one passenger that I need if I want to arrive at my destination in heaven -- the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of God is the only One who knows the correct road, and the only One who will navigate for me to show me the right way. He turns on the headlights and tells me what the signs mean. If I want to be on the road to eternal life, I must have the Holy Ghost. 

The Spirit of Christ is not a hitchhiker. I must seek Him. I must receive Him. I must repent, pray, and be obedient if I want Him in the car with me. If I have any passengers or drivers that are evil, then I cannot have the Holy Ghost. If there are any other spirits in the car yelling out directions and trying to take the wheel, the Holy Ghost will not be there. I must kick out all the passengers that would take me off the road, and ask the Holy Ghost into my car to be my navigator. The trip to the Promised Land is only done when there are two -- one driver, me, and one navigator, the Holy Ghost. 

If I am tired of driving, I may ask the Spirit to drive, but The Holy Ghost will not take over control of my vehicle. It is my car; Jesus does not take the wheel. The Lord always lets me drive my car. I must be the driver at all times. The Holy Ghost will sit in my car and be my navigator, but I must drive the car according to His instructions. If I veer off course, deciding to take a different road, or go my own way, my Navigator leaves, and I am left alone to ask directions from hitchhikers who don’t know. I must then repent and follow directions, going back to the station, taking the Sacrament, and inviting the Spirit back into my vehicle to give me the next step to get back on the road to eternal life. I do this through sincere repentance and a prayer of faith. 

The Straight and Narrow Path

Having a true Navigator, I finally get on the road of life, a very unexpected path. It is a one-way road that is very narrow, only allowing one car. It is hilly and has potholes. There are cliffs on both sides. It is not paved. It is not well-traveled. I am the only car on the road. It is not fun; It’s boring with only occasional beautiful vistas. All the attractions are way off the road. If I take a detour to see them it is hard to get back on so I stay on the road. It is long and hot and straight, like wandering in the desert for forty years. There are a few hitchhikers out here, who promise to show the way to eternal life, but I know that none of the demons will do it -- they lie. With the help of the Holy Ghost I begin to understand the signs, and follow them. Then, after many years of travel, I cross a bridge and suddenly I am in a beautiful land with mountains, valleys, waterfalls, and bountiful vegetation. The road is good, paved, and with no potholes. 

Home at Last

I made it to the Promised Land. I drove all the way, being led by the Holy Spirit. I find people who are real, and who are kind and love others. They also have taken the Holy Ghost for their guide. There is peace, and joy, and happiness. Life is good. My car is mine. I have control. I take the wheel. I possess it. I own it. I can get around paradise in my vehicle. I am not limited to walking around. I don’t need to look for a ride. I know my way around. I connect with others, getting to know the driver of the vehicles, and not just the outside. There are no hitchhikers here because there is nothing interesting to them. Those who do not own cars are happy to walk. Nobody wants my car, they want to know me, the driver of the vehicle.

How would it be to be driving on the freeway with only people I know? Everyone on the road is my best friend. There are still all sorts of different cars, but I know and love the driver of each one.