Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Double Standard

I have a vivid memory of watching an old black-and-white movie where a man gets slapped in the face by a very pretty woman -- and just stands there. He doesn't hit her back, threaten, or even grimace. She yells at him and slaps him again, but he just takes it.

Times really have changed. We are now taught in society that there is no difference between the sexes. We advertise women as "Rosie the Riveter" and men as "Mr. Mom." This, however, is a fantasy because there really is a double standard. What's good for the goose is NOT good for the gander. There is a difference between the sexes, in spite of what we are taught in the world. A man is NOT a woman, and a woman is NOT a man. They are different in every way. They are not physically, emotionally, spiritually or otherwise the same. There are ways you act around men that you never do around a lady. There are things you may say around men that you never say around a lady.

A woman can tell a man how she feels, if she hates or loves. She can complain, slap a man physically or emotionally, drive a knife into his heart, so to speak, but not only can a man not do the same back to her, he cannot even threaten, be angry or even pout. In order to be a man, he must take the pain and not give it back, or even acknowledge it.   He doesn't hurt her even to protect his life.  He just has to take it all in -- and gives back love. That's how she knows he loves her.

A real man
A real man doesn't run away from pain. He doesn't flinch, whine, complain, or otherwise express the pain he feels. He never lashes-out at others when he is hurt, uncomfortable, or otherwise suffering. Alma and Amulek were real men. They were imprisoned for preaching the word of God and the leaders of the city were very cruel. They would come every day and take turns hitting Alma and Amulek, "And thus they did mock them for many days. And they did withhold food from them that they might hunger, and water that they might thirst; and they also did take from them their clothes that they were naked; and thus they were bound with strong cords, and confined in prison." (Alma 14:22) However, in spite of their unjust suffering they didn't complain or express any anger or hatred. When the time came to leave, the Lord gave them strength to walk out and they didn't ever lash-out at their captors -- they just went on with their work.

A great example of how a man is to treat a woman is found in the prophet Lehi as he was traveling in the wilderness with his family. He sent his sons back to Jerusalem to get the family records, and they didn't return for a longer time than expected. His wife started complaining to him, "Behold thou hast led us forth from the land of our inheritance, and my sons are no more, and we perish in the wilderness." (1 Nephi 5:2) What is her complaint? Essentially it's: "You are a dreamer, you killed our sons and led us out here to die!" Lehi didn't get angry at her, he just accepted the complaint and loved her, saying, "I know that I am a visionary man..." and explained that the Lord would bring back their sons. Nephi comments on his father's actions toward his mother, "And after this manner of language did my father, Lehi, comfort my mother, Sariah, concerning us..." (1 Nephi 5:6) On the other hand, years later, when Lehi was complaining to the Lord that there was no food in the camp, "the voice of the Lord came unto my father; and he was truly chastened because of his murmuring against the Lord, insomuch that he was brought down into the depths of sorrow." (1 Nephi 16:25) A real man takes all the abuse anyone can give, but returns no animosity or complaint.

A lady
A lady is not to be exposed to the baser things of life. She is not required to slay the dragons. She shouldn't be treated in the same way a man would in the same circumstances. She is to be protected and nurtured, loved and cherished. In my daughters grade-school they teach otherwise. They teach that a woman can do anything, be anything, and compete the same as a man. They are specifically told there is no difference between a man and a woman. The media portrays 110-pound model with perfect hair, make-up, and large breasts fighting against three 200-pound men and laying them out. Only over the past few decades as our society crumbles around us we are taught that a woman is to "bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you're a man." This is a lie. It's not true. It is one sign of a fallen civilization.

Society must teach that women are different, and are to be held in high regard. A man needs to be willing to sacrifice everything, even his life, for her. He is to keep her safe and provide for her. He is to bear the brunt of all the evils of the world, slay all the dragons, and fight the battles in the world. She doesn't carry the same burden. She needs to be protected and nurtured, becoming a lady in the full sense of the word. The Nephite civilization understood this. When the men were called out to battle to fight against their enemies to protect their wives, they went with courage in hand-to-hand combat, knowing they would be at least wounded, and maybe killed. Only in the end did they arm their women, their last stand before being completely annihilated.

A lady needs to be nurtured, loved and cared-for. She may have mood-swings that cause pain. She may be sweet and gentle, or mean and ugly. She is still a lady and needs to be respected as such, no matter what her station in life. In "Don Quixote de La Mancha" Don Quixote thought himself a lord and his peasant neighbor, Dulcinea, a lady. He spoke to her like a lady and treated her in a most formal and respectful manner. She, over time, began to think of herself in this way and became a lady. To be a lady, a woman needs to be treated like one.

The Lord

The perfect example is Jesus Christ. I think the Apostle Paul understood this concept when he told the Ephesians, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." (Ephesians 5:25) Jesus Christ loved the Church so much that He gave Himself a ransom for the sins of all those who would come to Him and ask forgiveness. He takes whatever abuse the people give out and humbly submits to the will of the Father. He doesn't lash-out, cry-out, run away, rebel, or even object. He just takes it. Those of the Church continually make mistakes, using His name in vain, and committing all sorts of sins, but he just takes it, and gives back only love. He didn't even reprimand the woman taken in adultery, though it is the "most abominable above all sins save it be the shedding of innocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost." (Alma 39:5) He just loved her and invited her to "go and sin no more." The prodigal son took his inheritance and wasted it, but was welcomed back with open arms and a big party. Jesus has patience, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, love, charity, grace, and forgiveness. He is the embodiment of all of these.

This is the manner that men should treat women. Paradoxically, to be a humble servant to a lady is a great honor. Indeed, it is the most important thing in the world because it teaches us to be like Christ. There really is a double-standard. In truth, men and women are different, but as the French say, "VIVE LE DIFFERENCE!"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fake it 'till you make it

In the summer of 1984 I returned home after serving as a missionary in Venezuela for 15 months. Prior to leaving I had worked during the summer doing the "Sponge Bob" thing at Carl's Jr. I was not looking forward to doing that for minimum wage again. As I was whining to my carpenter friend, Chris, he said, "You know how to use a saw, don't you? Just walk on to a construction site and tell the foreman you're a carpenter looking for work." Being completely ignorant, I did just that. 

The first place was a 3-story condominium job site. I walked-in, asked for the foreman, and was directed to the top floor. I went straight up to him and said, "I'm carpenter looking for work." 
"What can you do?" he inquired.
I shrugged, "Well, anything."
"Sheeting?" (I didn't know what this meant, but I was sure I could learn.)
"Joisting?" (I wasn't sure what this was, either.)
"Well, we don't need anyone just now."

I left and walked down one block to a similar job site, inquired of the whereabouts of the foreman.
"I'm a carpenter looking for work."
"What can you do?"
"Sheeting, Joisting... anything." (I still don't know what this means, but I thought it would sound good.)
"Ok, bring your bags tomorrow and we'll start you doing pick-up work."

I immediately went home and called Chris. "He told me to bring bags and do pick-up work, does that mean I have to bring trash bags and pick up trash?" Chris laughed out loud, "You idiot, "bags" are your tool bags, and pick-up work is fixing all the mistakes." I asked, and he told me what I needed. 

The next day I showed-up to see Kyle, the foreman, with stiff leather tool bags filled with shiny new tools from Sears -- CRAFTSMAN! Everyone pointed, laughed, and used language I wouldn't know how to write. But, they let me stay. Kyle took one look at me and said, "You'll work with me." He led me upstairs, got up on a ladder and said, "Cut me a 32 long-point." I looked at him quizzingly. "You know, 45 degree angle, 32 inches to the long point... and, here, use this instead of that thing." I put away my Sears tri-square and picked up his speed square, marked a 45 at 32 inches and picked up the 7-1/4 Skill-saw to cut it.  "STOP! -- YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE GOING TO CUT YOURSEF!" he yelled at me. He got down from the ladder and showed me how to hold the saw and board properly to avoid an accident. This kind of thing went on all day, but I learned fast, and didn't make the same mistakes twice.

He let me come back the next day. He told me he'd pay me $7/hour, twice as much as the fry-cook job! 

By the end of the summer I was a carpenter. I didn't know everything, but I knew enough to find a job anywhere. The following summer the same company hired me back, and even hired my brother, who was just about as ignorant as I was when I had started. John, the boss, wanted intelligent people on the job, and I assured him Chas was SMART. We went on to build for years, eventually building my own house mostly by ourselves.

In the world I have been able to "fake it" to learn just about anything, but I don't think this works with the things of Eternity. The qualities of faith, humility, and charity are not something I could fake. I have tried. The problem is, I can study it and understand it intellectually, and even act the part, but if it isn't in my heart, it isn't real. Jesus explained this concept to the Nephites:

For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing. For behold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness. For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God. (Moroni 7:6-8)

In spiritual terms, "fake it 'till you make it" is just hypocrisy. What I do or think on the outside is not nearly so important as what is in my heart. That is the difference. In the world, what I DO is important, but Heaven is based on the heart. The Pharisees faked being righteous, but were told, "But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone." (Luke 11:42) In other words, what they did was important, but "the weightier matters" are those things of the heart.

Faking love, doing all the "loving" things, doesn't work. It doesn't change my heart. I only appear to be loving, but the heart is still selfish. Selfishness is the opposite of love. Also, I can teach Sunday School and appear to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that doesn't assure that the commandments are written in my heart, as Abinadi explained to the wicked priests of King Noah, "And now I read unto you the remainder of the commandments of God, for I perceive that they are not written in your hearts; I perceive that ye have studied and taught iniquity the most part of your lives." (Mosiah 13:11)

I have enough experience to know for sure that the Scriptures are true. They teach that there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ. Those who turn to Him, will find a "mighty change of heart" through the ministration of the Holy Ghost. There is no other way. There is no faking with God. "O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name." (2 Nephi 9:41)

The problem is, I've faked it for so many years I don't know how to do it any other way! I know I can't change my heart. I'm in a sort of bondage, a catch-22, and a vicious cycle. If I do good, I'm trying to "fake it" and I congratulate myself on how "good" I am so it's really bad. 

Nephi explains how to do this, "I know that if ye shall follow the Son with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism; yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel." (2 Nephi 31:13)

I guess the only thing I can do is pray for repentance and a mighty change of heart, and, "Trust in the Lord with all [my] heart; and lean not unto [mine] own understanding. In all [my] ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct [my] paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6) I'm going to give up faking it, and turn to the Lord.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


There are behaviors we do that belie our knowledge of "original sin." We are guilty and we know it. We aren't worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and deep down inside we fear it. For this reason people feel the need to do one of six things to suppress the guilt:

1. Justify their existence by doing everything right.
2. Be better than others, always judging and comparing.
3. Blame others who caused them to sin.
4. Accept a hard life as payment.
5. Be good and do good.
6. Deny that there is justice, guilt, or even God!

When Adam and Eve were in Paradise after their creation they had no sorrow, no pain, and no suffering of any kind. However,they were given choices. They could decide to grow up, have children, move on, and become as Gods, knowing good and evil. Alma explains this concept to the people of Ammonihah, "He gave commandments unto men, they having first transgressed the first commandments as to things which were temporal, and becoming as Gods, knowing good from evil, placing themselves in a state to act, or being placed in a state to act according to their wills and pleasures, whether to do evil or to do good." (Alma 12:31)

God knows good and evil which gives Him the power to choose. Without this knowledge Adam and Eve would have remained innocent. Alma generalizes it to let us know that all men "transgressed the first commandments" and thus we caused our own fall. In other words, the story of Adam and Eve is our story. We each "took the fruit" and got kicked-out of paradise and brought suffering and death to ourselves. That's why we find ourselves here on Earth in a "probationary state," also explained by Alma: "And thus we see, that there was a time granted unto man to repent, yea, a probationary time, a time to repent and serve God." (Alma 42:4)

Ultimately, this comes down to one question: do we need Jesus Christ, or not? Knowing we have sinned and fall short of the Kingdom of God, we need to somehow find a way to justify our guilt. Those who do not desire to be humble as a little child and serve God must find another way.

The Pharisees and Scribes of the New Testament felt the need to justify themselves. They were self-righteous. They didn't need Jesus because they had kept all the commandments from their youth. They assumed "the law" saved them. If they kept the law, they would be worthy, and guilty of no offense.

Many believe they are good and righteous compared to others. They compare their strengths to the weaknesses of others. They look down on the "republicans and sinners!" The comparison to others, putting themselves on a higher plane, ascending to the throne by themselves, makes them equal with God -- just like Satan, "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14).

Some people absolve themselves of responsibility by blaming others for their sins. Parents, friends, family members, or strangers who have hurt or neglected them become the scape-goats. These only acted out of some form of self-preservation, or necessity and are therefore absolved of guilt, and don't need Jesus Christ.

Pay now
Some try to satisfy the demands of justice by telling others about their pain, loneliness, deprivation, or some other form of suffering. It feels like we could atone for ourselves if we suffer enough -- that we would pay for our own sins and not need to humble ourselves before the Lord and beg His forgiveness, take His yoke, and be His servant.

Be good
Some believe they can be as Jesus "who went about doing good." (Acts 10:38) They help others, heal the sick, win Nobel prizes, show courage, love, and all the sublime qualities of humanity. They don't need salvation because they are covered by their own goodness.


Many just deny that there is guilt. They deny their own feelings. Some of these acknowledge God, but deny His justice, and thus the need for a Savior. Others deny the existence of God altogether. There is no guilt because there is no God, and thus, they don't need Jesus.

Most human beings use one or some combination of these in an attempt to justify themselves. Ironically, as in the case of the Pharisees, it is common among Christians to use some form of self-justification to prove that they don't need Jesus Christ. They learn the law and keep it with gusto, believing the law will save them. Or, they compare their strengths to others weaknesses. Also, it is common to be as Jesus said, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?" (Matthew 7:22) but they don't seek Him to do His will. Christians also commonly flog themselves or blame others to justify themselves. Some even get involved in the philosophies of men, mingled with scripture, such as "New Age" religious teachings that deny the existence of guilt and sin. These are all self-serving and are not based on the Gospel.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is actually quite simple. We don't need any of the devices above. Jesus told the Nephites, "And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. ...And whoso shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil." (3 Nephi 11:38, 40)

First we acknowledge our guilt, and impotence to resolve it. Then we turn to the Lord for salvation. Baptism is symbolic of being washed of all sin, becoming clean and free of guilt, after we have repented. We are cleansed by the blood of Christ -- or not at all. The only choice for finding peace, rest, happiness, and joy -- being guilt-free -- is the Lord. All the other means of trying to remit our natural guilt will fail -- sooner or later.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ruby Slippers

The power was with Dorothy to go home all the time. As soon as she arrived in the land of Oz she killed the witch (but not on purpose) and put on the ruby slippers. This gave her the power to go home, but she didn't know it. She thought she needed a wizard, or a big balloon to take her home.

Likewise, we have the power within us all the time. Power is the ability to change, both ourselves and our environment. We think we need God to give us what we want, but He has already provided us with everything we need to go home. While we are here, we go to Him so He can show us how to access the gifts we were given. He teaches us the truth that we are His children with inherent power. Some take those truths and use them to go down the Yellow Brick Road, instead of aiming for Home.

The Philosophies of men

Modern religion is all about "the power within." We are instructed by the existentialist traditions of our fathers that we are gods. We are self-created, and we continually re-create ourselves. We can do anything we put our minds to. We can be happy if we think happy thoughts. We can achieve our dreams. Our attitude determines our altitude. We can make our lives into whatever we want.

There are myriad books about the powers we possess. Some tell us we can "think and grow rich," others tell us whatever we can conceive, we can achieve. The power is within us to do all things -- if we believe. Men use these philosophies to get what they want: money, power, love, and the things of this world.

"Science" is another existentialist philosophy. Technology is touted as the salvation of the world because it helps us to live longer, healthier, and more comfortable lives. People believe that scientists will eventually discover how to keep us alive forever, bringing immortality, or salvation from death.

The most basic philosophy of the world is that the lack of money is the root of all problems so it's logical that money will save us. We can buy anything in this world with money. Money buys food so we don't starve. Money buys homes and land so we have a place to lay our heads. Money buys doctors to make or keep us healthy. Money buys all the things our families need to enjoy life, have fun, and really live. We have the power to be wealthy, if we believe.

Mingled with scripture

The problem with these philosophies is that they are true, in a sense. We can prove them in the scriptures. The Lord spoke more on the subject of money than any other. Jesus said, "all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23) The Proverbs tells us that, "as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) In the Psalms we read that "Ye are gods." (Psalm 82:6) King Benjamin tells us that good people "are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual." (Mosiah 2:41) Indicating that God will give us what we want, money and happiness. 

There is truth in all the philosophies of the world. We can go through the entire volume of scripture and prove any of the philosophies of men simply because they are true. However, this isn't the truth that makes us free -- or brings us Home.

The eye of the needle
When we use our power to get what we want in the world, it is just that much harder for us to go home to the Kingdom of God. Jesus said,

For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved?
And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
(Luke 18:25-27)

While a man cannot get a camel through the eye of a needle (intact), God can. Likewise, it is absolutely impossible for any man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven by any of the philosophies that we use for temporal salvation. Thus, though all these works may be true, they do not help us to Eternal salvation.

When we spend our time and energy looking for money, power, love, or some other wizard to save us, we are always disappointed that they are not as great and powerful as we thought they would be. All of our efforts don't bring us anything like true salvation because, though we do have power as children of God, there is one thing we do NOT have the power to do: go Home -- we need help. For this reason God has provided the way, the only way, in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." All things come from Him. He is the ruby slippers, being there constantly from the moment we enter into a covenant with Him. He makes "all things" possible. He brings our camel through the eye of a needle.

Building a mansion
Jesus also told the the parable of Lazarus, a beggar, and a rich man who both die. Lazarus is in paradise with Abraham while the rich man is suffering in hell. When the rich man asked about this he was told, "thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented." (Luke 16:25)

Getting what we want in life puts us in danger of not being able to go home. The way to Eternal Life, then, is to do the exact opposite of what the self-help books tell us. Instead of seeking what we want, we would use the power God has given us to serve others. Instead of thinking to grow rich we could think to serve God, and thus build up treasures in Heaven. Jesus said,

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:19-21

Treasures in Heaven are those things that last forever: faith, hope, charity, intelligence, family, and every person we help to come to God. These go with us when we die. Anything that will not go with us is like a dream, somewhere over the rainbow; all the witches we have bathed, all the flying monkeys we have killed, all the Emerald Cities we have entered, and all the wizards we have known will mean little; they are only part of our instruction. It's Christ that brings us Home to where we are loved -- if that's where our heart is. Just believe, and click your heals three times... because one Eternal truth I know: There's no place like Home!