Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Seven Veils of Truth

When the famous atheist Richard Dawkins was asked what he would do if he died and found himself standing in front of God, he replied, "I would ask, 'Why did you hide so well?'" It may be that God is hidden so we would have to seek Him. Active seeking is a requirement. 

"O how... blind and impenetrable
are the understandings
of the children of men
for they will not seek wisdom!"
(Mosiah 8:20)
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) is often quoted as saying, "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."  The truth, or the knowledge of the Lord, is very effectively kept from the world so that only those who are actively seeking wisdom will find it. It is hidden, as Paul says, "We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom." (1 Cor 2:7) While in our blindness we may stumble over it, nobody ever randomly stumbles upon truth because it is hidden behind seven veils.

The Veil of Paradox
First, Truth is hidden by being so different from the world that it is unexpected, or paradoxical. There are so many apparent contradictions that must be reconciled. It's hard work, and most are unwilling to make the effort. "Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." (Isaiah 6:3) The word "holy" means "separate," or "set apart." Yet, at the same time, God is the most connected, and is in all things. God is absolutely just, and yet completely merciful. He is hidden from view, and yet open and available to all. The things of God are so completely different from those of the world that truth is often just the opposite of what we expect so we are blind to it. The Lord specifically tells us, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." (Isaiah 55:8) We literally cannot see the truth that God is holy, and at the same time the whole earth is full of His glory. It's too paradoxical. 

The Veil of Arrival
The second way it's hidden is through multiple levels of understanding. When people receive some spiritual enlightenment they often say, "Now I understand!" They feel they have "arrived" at enlightenment and feel it is enough and quit looking for more. Enlightenment seems so all-inclusive when it is received; knowing something makes one assume he knows everything. They have all they need, all they can understand, or, really, all they want. A few delve deeper into the "mysteries," but never actually come to know God. They have a "hobby" of justifying their understanding that consumes all their efforts. Some may actually discover the "Pearl of Great Price," but are content to admire it from afar. They don't take the necessary steps to obtain it by making the required sacrifice of selling all they have to get it. Having seen it and knowing it exists, is enough, they don't actually want to possess it so it remains distant from them, completely out of reach. They have learned all they want to know; they're content, it's enough. They have arrived.

The Veil of Desire
The third level of security is that truth is hidden within a mass of "red-herrings." It is "hidden in plain sight" by being characterized with all the other "churches" that say they teach truth. There is no way to get through this barrage of error without a lot of work, and some discernment. These churches of the world filter out everyone that isn't seeking absolute truth by offering whatever else they could want. Some want to deny the existence of God altogether. Some want to believe they are gods, self-created and powerful. Others want to believe in a god of nature, making the created into the creator. Still others want to believe in a god that is like a cross between Santa Claus and Superman -- he has all power to give me what I want. Whatever a man could desire to believe is out there, readily available. These philosophies are more logical and appealing to the natural man and will coincide with his desires so those who aren't really seeking the truth will preferentially choose them.

The Veil of Distractions
The fourth obstruction to finding truth is the distractions of life. There are so many things in the world to do it's easy to procrastinate our spiritual growth. We need to work. We need to earn money. We need food, clothing and shelter. We have families to raise. We can travel. We can learn and grow in so many ways. We can spend all our time learning about the world around us that we totally neglect our own spiritual growth, God, and the truth. As the Apostle Paul explained, people are "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim 3:7) Moreover, the people we associate with aren't seeking growth so it's easy to fall into complacency. In short, the distractions are all the things of the world that we seek instead of God. We choose to spend our time with the world, instead of the Lord.

The Veil of Unbelief
The fifth way that God is hidden is behind many layers of doubt. The human brain is set to take in certain information and filter out whatever we don't believe. For this reason, we only see, hear, or feel what expect according to our beliefs. Our society, our family and those around us give us the foundation upon which we build our beliefs. These are "the traditions of our fathers" that bind us to what we already know and prevent us from learning new things. These beliefs are maintained through self-justification, and the truth is discredited. For example, if a prophet reveals the Word of God, people don't attack the truth that was revealed, but rather the prophet as a human with weaknesses and therefore unworthy of revealing the truth. This hides the truth that was revealed. If people don't read the words of that prophet, or don't believe that he could speak the words of God, they won't be able to find this truth. The Scriptures are also discounted based not on evidence, but rather lack thereof. People then don't know where to look for truth. Those who don't believe raise doubt, they ask, "Where's the evidence?" "How do you know Christ lived?" "It's unreasonable to believe in miracles." "Science is based on reason, religion is based on faith." "It's primitive to believe in a powerful God." Like crabs in a bucket, non-believers are constantly pulling-down any who would try to escape to find the truth.

The Veil of Physical Senses
The sixth protection from finding Truth is our own physical senses. Humans are dual beings: we have a set of senses of the spirit and a set of the physical body. The natural, or default senses that are used are those of the body. The large majority of people don't automatically see, hear, or feel their own spiritual nature because these senses must be trained, and developed over time. So, when people aren't seeking God they will automatically see only the things that are of the world. Joseph Smith explained, "Neither is man capable to make them known, for they are only to be seen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit." (D&C 76:116) Since the things of God are holy and not discernable by the natural man, not with the eyes, ears, or feelings of the body, most people will filter it out, passing it by as if it weren't there at all. The senses of the body are so overpowering that those of the spirit are easily pushed aside. We feel "love" when we're with a person we need. We feel "peace and rest" when we are on vacation. We use the word "joy" when our child graduates from school. We feel "happy" when we hear our favorite song, or get what we want for Christmas. We "see" light, but it's only a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment. We "hear" voices, but that isn't the same as hearing the word of God. We use all the same terms of seeing, hearing and feeling, which confuse many to think it is the same as the senses of the body. Thus, it's easy to assume we know and remain spiritually deaf, dumb and blind while the truth remains a mystery.

The Veil of Definitions
The seventh way Truth is protected is by how words are defined. All Scripture is written in an alien tongue. The words of God only represent the truth in a metaphorical way. There is no way for a human being to understand something he hasn't actually experienced, no matter how words are used. For example, you could use all the metaphors and descriptive terms you want to try to explain a rainbow to a person blind from birth, but he will never really understand. Likewise, we don't understand the things of the Spirit prior to experiencing them so we use metaphors. Aside from the senses, as described above, all the words of Scripture have spiritual meanings. As Steve Martin exclaimed, "Those French have a different word for everything!" No scripture is written in an Earthly language. The language of Scripture is called "The words of the prophets" or "the tongue of angels." Though we may read it in English, Latin, German and so forth, those are only "reference languages" to the language of the Spirit. For example, "mountain" always refers to a "Temple" which refers to the "house of the Lord" which is metaphorical for "Heaven," finding our bearings and getting directions "home" which also is metaphorical for "Heaven," meaning "the place where God dwells." However, even the word "place" is metaphorical. For this reason it is impossible to learn or understand the words of the prophets without the Holy Ghost. Nobody will be able to get at the truth without His help.

The Labyrinth
It's impossible to find our way through all of these veils by accident. Even if a person is trying with all his might, it is impossible to reach the door without a Guide. Yet, in reaching the door we find multiple combinations and keys preventing entry. This is better security than any bank or fortress could provide. It's truly impenetrable. Within this unsearchable labyrinth shrouded in mystery, locked inside an impenetrable vault lies the Pearl of Great Price, the Tree of Life, and all that is truth, freedom, peace, joy, love, happiness, fulfillment and rest. The door accepts only one person at a time; each must go in alone. The Holy Ghost is the one that leads us through the maze to the door of the vault of truth. "They that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived... shall abide the day." (D&C 45:57)

Those who are or have been within the walls and have understanding are forbidden from revealing what they see, hear, and feel, except for that small part that is made generally available. Alma explains, "It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him." (Alma 12:9) They can only say that they have seen, testifying that it exists and pointing the way for others to obtain it for themselves.

Why Hide the Truth?
We are here on Earth as a probation. Lehi explains that "the days of the children of men were prolonged... that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation..." (2 Nephi 2:21) God has given us a choice, and if the answers were known ahead of time there would be no choice. The terms of our probation are simple: "the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in [Christ]. And whoso believeth in [Him], and is baptized, the same shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God. And whoso believeth not in [Him], and is not baptized, shall be damned." (3 Nephi 11:32-34) It all starts with belief. We have to believe before we can see because one of the veils is unbelief, which hides the truth better than any other.

The truth is hidden out of mercy. God does not want His children to fail their probation and be cast out forever. He wants them to succeed and be happy. He loves His children -- all of them. Part of the reason for all the security surrounding the truth is so those who aren't interested don't learn too much, rebel and be cast out of Heaven. Because of the Great and Last Sacrifice of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we aren't responsible for anything we don't know. We may transgress the laws and will of God in ignorance and be forgiven. "And they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrection; and it shall be tolerable for them." (D&C 45:54) Ignorance really is bliss!

Thus, it's extremely important to God that those who are unable, for whatever reason, to repent not learn the truth. They are then protected, and will be able to be in Heaven with a measure of glory that they are willing and able to bear. Thus, hiding the truth under so many layers and behind so many locks is a manifestation of God's mercy. He is so kind! He loves all His children! What a great Father! What an awesome God!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Charity is a word commonly used to indicate giving to those in need. The full meaning of charity refers to the gift of life given to us by our Savior. We are all in need. Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to willingly sacrifice that all may be saved. His gift is charity. What He did was charity. Charity is the love He had. He came to suffer and die that we may return to God. Moroni explains: "And now I know that this love which thou hast had for the children of men is charity; wherefore, except men shall have charity they cannot inherit that place which thou hast prepared in the mansions of thy Father." (Ether 12:34) Unless we possess the love of Jesus Christ, or His Atonement, we cannot be saved in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Once we accept the suffering and death of our Lord for ourselves we can then learn to have charity for others. First we must receive charity, then we can give it. When our concern is less for ourselves and more for the salvation of others we have charity. We would do anything, suffer any pain or deprivation, and expend every effort for the salvation of one person. Everyone is a candidate for salvation, if they so desire it is theirs for the asking.

Mormon had charity for everyone. He understood the love of God. He had tasted of the goodness of the Lord. He knew the need for repentance, and what Jesus Christ had done for him, and the rest of us. At the young age of fifteen he was put in charge of an army of tens of thousands. At this same time, he began to teach his people about Jesus Christ so they might be saved, however, the Lord told him not to waste his breath because of their rebelliousness, they had rejected the word of God already.

Nephi also had charity, and explains this concept very clearly:

I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell.
I have charity for my people, and great faith in Christ that I shall meet many souls spotless at his judgment-seat.
I have charity for the Jew -- I say Jew, because I mean them from whence I came.
I also have charity for the Gentiles. But behold, for none of these can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation.
(2 Nephi 33:6-9)

Nephi starts by declaring his sure knowledge that Jesus had redeemed his soul. Then he talks about charity for his people because those who have faith in Christ will be with him. Then he says he has charity for both Jew and Gentile, that they can also be saved by obedience to Christ.

I too have felt to sing the song of redeeming love. I have charity for others because I know what Jesus Christ suffered for me -- and them. As I have come to understand what Jesus did for me, I realize that I'm not the only one. He suffered and died for every person who ever lived. That means I don't have any feelings of judgment or envy for any others, but rather I desire that they would accept the suffering and death of Jesus Christ for themselves so they won't have to suffer. I want them to be saved. This is charity. I have charity for all. I would suffer anything for any individual to come to know Him.

The process of helping others come to know Him is often long and hard. Most are heavily invested in the physical body and feelings, and have little, weak, and ignorant spirits. To nourish the spirit back to health requires time and effort. For example, if someone is lying in bed for years with little nourishment, they will be weak in body which would require time and effort to overcome. The spirit is no different. Longsuffering is required to nurse a spirit back to health. However, if the weak person doesn't desire to be strong, there is no way to force them just as the body will not get muscles without a person making the effort.

The greatest poetry in all of scripture comes from the Apostle Paul regarding charity:

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Those who know the Lord, and have tasted of His goodness possess these qualities because they know what the Lord did for them. As I have come to understand what salvation means I find it easy to be longsuffering, kind, and unselfish. I see everyone as a child of God with the potential to be part of Him through the merits of Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for those who wander aimlessly in life, not knowing their full potential, without hope of a glorious resurrection. It doesn't matter if one is rich or poor, male or female, in bondage or free, all that matters is their knowledge of, and commitment to, Christ. On the other hand, I feel joy for all those who know our Redeemer.

My greatest desire is to give to others what I have, to teach them what I know, that they may love the Lord as I do, that they may also have hope, joy, peace -- and charity.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A witness of the heart

Yesterday I went to the crafts store and to Trader Joe's in Santa Maria. I was by myself because Charly wanted to stay and have dinner with her friends at Bella's house. Driving there, I was thinking about the business, both my medical practice and the business I was going to do in Santa Maria. However, when I was done, I just drove home. I was singing in my head Reverently and Meekly Now (Hymn 185), and when I got to the part, "With my blood that dripped like rain, Sweat in agony of pain..." I could see the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffering Eternal torment. He came out to His sleeping apostles and, still in pain gave Peter a gentle rebuke, "...could ye not watch with me one hour?" But they kept sleeping; He was alone. He went back and asked that He not have to suffer. But he did, sweating blood. I could see His suffering.

I felt so much compassion for Him, I wanted to cry. He did suffer damnation and Eternal suffering. This is so bad that nobody even knows how bad it is, as recorded in D&C section 76:
"And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;
Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;
Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;
Wherefore,the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation." (D&C 76:45-48)
We may think we suffer pain, deprivation, a broken heart, or misery of any kind, but comparing this to Eternal torment is like comparing a candle to the Sun. There is nothing on Earth to compare to what Christ suffered.

Nobody knows how bad it really is, but He knows. He went there. He knows "the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof." He was there. He records it himself: "Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit -- and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink..." (D&C 19:18) He didn't want to do it, but He humbly submitted to the will of the Father in all things from the beginning. 

I've known this for a long time -- in my head -- but this is the first time I have felt it in my heart. I love the Lord. I am so grateful to Him for finishing His work, for suffering the will of the Father, for taking upon Himself my sins, my pain, my suffering. I know that would be me -- I would be in Perdition, suffering for all Eternity with the Devil and his angels. But, as it is, I will never know the results of my sins and transgressions because He suffered all these things for me, so I don't have to. I thank and praise Him for His mercy, grace, and charity towards me. I will do all He asks because I love Him. I love Him because He loved me first! I am so grateful that He has given me a heart that can feel compassion for His suffering. I feel, and I know.

I am a witness of Him. I know He paid the price for my sins, as well as the sins of all mankind. Everyone needs to know this! If they don't, they will have to suffer. All are doomed if they don't believe in Him and accept His sacrifice for them. "If they would not repent they must suffer even as I..." (D&C 19:17) There is only one way out of this pain: repent! Turn to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. He is quick to forgive. It's so easy, anyone and everyone can do it. There is nothing else. Whatever else you do is less important than putting your trust in the Lord. There is no pain on Earth to compare to what we will have to suffer if we don't turn to Him. Believe me! I adjure everyone to believe in Jesus Christ, repent of all your sins, and be baptized in His name for the remission of sins. I feel there is an urgent need, for the end is near wherein no man can work, and it becomes everlastingly too late. Don't put it off! Do it, NOW! This is important, the most important thing in the whole world!
It's going to be the best Christmas ever, as I celebrate the birth of Him who has loved so much, who offers His gift to all.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Best of the BEST

The Bishop was at our house a short time ago.  We talked about a "burning in the bosom," the feeling of joy, and peace, and love. Micah Ashby spoke up and said, "that's what I feel when I finish a cross-country race!" He went on to describe how good it felt, especially when he beats his previous time. "It feels so good!"

A recent study on meditation showed that with twenty minutes of instruction people could be taught how to meditate to relieve chronic pain as well as taking narcotic pain medication. Most people who take pain pills find that they don't completely relieve the pain, but rather mask it temporarily, "It still hurts, but I can tolerate it with the drugs," is the typical response. Meditation can do the same thing.

I have many patients with diabetes who want drugs to control their blood sugar. I try to explain how they can change what they eat, and their exercise, and reverse the disease altogether, but they say that's too hard. It's easier to take a pill. The drugs work, sort of, but never really make them normal, and cause many side-effects such as lack of energy, and heart-attacks. Controlling blood sugar with diet is better.

There are many ways to get, at least partially, the same effect. When we choose the ways of the world to achieve an end, we can get close, but we never really get satisfaction. It seems like it should be enough, but never really is. The drugs and all chemical means of making us feel better are limited either as to effects, or to time -- they may work for a time, and then quit working. The diabetic may be controlled by the chemicals, but he can never be cured, and will always get worse.

As good as it gets
The physical and chemical means of feeling good are limited. Once we try them, and they work, we feel better immediately. We want that effect to last, or to be just a little better so we can rest. A little more alcohol, a little more sex, a little more food, or a little more of the drug seems like it should satisfy, but in reality that is all there is -- that's as good as it gets! We can never reach the highest high, or the plateau where rest can be achieved so we continually search for more.

The largest reason why we cannot find satisfaction in the senses of the body is because that is not where the problem lies. We yearn for a connection with God, our Heavenly Father, but cannot understand that hunger. Many try to fill it with food. They eat incessantly and gain lots of fat. It feels almost like a little more food would fill their hunger, and, in fact, it seems to relieve it for a time. However, the feeling returns, and they go on to eat more.

Feelings are fickle. When we understand why we feel we can do something about it. However, most of the time the cause of our feelings is obscured by our senses. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing are so overwhelming to the quiet, soft, gentle whisper of the feelings of the spirit that we completely miss them. If we remain oblivious to our inner feelings, we will never find satisfaction in the things of the world.

The best of the best.
Peace, joy, happiness, and satisfaction only come from one source -- a connection with our Creator -- and this only happens through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ -- there is no other way. All the other ways touted by people lead to "lives of quiet desperation," depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. Many say they are satisfied, and may be for a time, because they don't know anything better. They feel that, this is as good as it gets, and live with it. They learn to accept what is, no longer hoping for fulfilling joy and happiness.

I have lived a life of two-dimensions, without passions, just going along in the best way I knew how. I had satisfaction in things I did, but my life was a series of pictures, drawings, photographs, maps, spreadsheets, blueprints, and other two-dimensional objects. I knew there must be more, I wanted more, but I didn't even know what "more" meant. I don't think human beings can understand anything they haven't experienced. Even the "connections" I had with my wife and children were two-dimensional. I didn't know how to be in that third dimension because I had never experienced it -- and they couldn't show me because they hadn't either.

The third dimension is the heart, feelings, and spiritual understanding. These are things that are not understood with words, they can only be experienced. They are experienced as we seek for them. Karyn has been my angel of mercy, bringing me the third-dimension of love. I feel it for the first time. When she isn't there, I feel like something is missing. The word "miss" no longer has a two-dimensional meaning -- I feel it. And, because I feel it with her, I can feel it in other ways. I miss my Father in Heaven. I feel my need to be close to the Lord.

Joy is found in connecting the body with the spirit. This comes from a connection with God. Those who haven't felt it just remain ignorant and can lull themselves into thinking there is nothing more.

Those who only feel the senses of the body will never know the best of the best -- the feelings of the Spirit, or the feelings of God.
Those who have sexual relations to gratify their natural desires will never know the joy and love of real human intimacy.
Those who seek security in wealth will never know the Rock of peace and rest.
Those who eat for comfort will never be comforted.
Those who use legal or illegal drugs to feel good will never know happiness.
Those who are only seeking information will never know wisdom.

All of these will know pain and suffering as they must stop them at some point and have nothing. If they wait until the end they will "cold-turkey" off of everything at death -- and really be miserable. Whereas, those who have made a connection with God just continue to feel the peace, love, joy, and comfort that they have always felt in the Spirit.

Making the connection is simple, but very difficult. It requires changing from our physical world into a spiritual world. It requires constant prayer, and the sacrifice of all things. The Rich Young Ruler said he kept all the commandments, and then asked Jesus what he lacked to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus replied, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor." (Matthew 19:21) Likewise Jesus gave a parable of the Pearl of Great Price. A man who was seeking pearls, "when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." (Matthew 13:46)

The price is all you have, or everything of the world. "All" means "all," and "all" is all "all" means. This means that we cannot hold back even a few pennies for ourselves -- or we die. Peter explains graphically when "a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, and kept back part of the price..." (Acts 5:1-2) Both died at Peter's feet, telling us the consequence of holding something back. You must give up all your food to be healthy. You must give up all your money to be wealthy. You must give up all your love to find charity. You must give up all your learning to find wisdom. In short, you must give up the lesser to find the greater. Having the best requires a sacrifice of all that is second-best.

Fasting from the feelings of the body helps us to feel the things of the spirit. These are the sacrifices we make to subdue the feelings of the body so we can make a connection with our spirits. Fasting from food is an essential part of that -- everyone can fast for spiritual strength. The other things we fast from would include all those things we have found that we like because they relieve our pain or give us comfort. These might include medications, cars, vitamins, sex, tobacco, money, drugs, sports, houses, alcohol, lands, and so forth. All the things that we like of the world must be sacrificed in order to connect with the Infinite.
Finding the best of the best is the goal of every person who is a child of God. And that means all. Through the Lord, Jesus Christ, we can have the greatest peace, joy, happiness, comfort, love, and connection available in the entire Universe! Anything else, drugs, sex, food, money, learning and so forth, is just less.   Micah Ashby may feel good about finishing a race, but it isn't anywhere near the feeling of joy from the Lord.  Almost getting there isn't the same as being there.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Deeper Meaning

I have always looked at life in two dimensions, or the surface. I assumed that I had work to do that included getting an education, earning money, raising children, buying a house, cleaning my room, buying a car, fixing the leaky roof, making a good, healthy dinner, working in my business, being successful, and so forth. All of this "doing stuff" occupied all of my time, and gave me a sense of accomplishment -- I was doing "LIFE."

However, now I am beginning to see a different side of life -- the underlying reason for all this stuff. I see that all of the things I do have a different purpose than to occupy my time and be "successful." I'm not just filling my needs, sustaining life, and giving the leftovers to others. Each situation, each need, each activity, every talent and ability and every problem have another underlying purpose: to learn, grow, and become close to God. There is a spiritual growth that happens especially as we encounter problems, difficulties, suffering, pain, and hardship. One pioneer who traveled to Utah pulling a handcart through a snowstorm said:

"... [We] came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with him in our extremities.

"I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other. I have looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill slope and I have said, I can go only that far and there I must give up, for I cannot pull the load through it. ... I have gone on to that sand and when I reached it, the cart began pushing me. I have looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my eyes saw no one. I knew then that the angels of God were there.

"Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company."

The handcart wasn't important. Arriving in Utah wasn't important. Walking wasn't important. Food, or lack thereof, wasn't important. The snowstorm wasn't important. All of these things were only tools to achieve an end that really was important: "to become acquainted with God." It is in the extremities that we really come to know Him. When we cannot do what we feel we need to do, then God helps us and we realize we are not alone. Without coming to the point of exhaustion, the "end of our rope," or the absolute limit of our abilities, we may consider that we did something to fix the problem. Only when we can say, "I cannot do it, I need help..." we look to God. Then when help comes we can really recognize the hand of the Lord.

Right now I took on a business that I don't know how to run. The Lord directed me here. It took me a short time to figure-out that I am in way over my head. I could quit my own business and just take a cushy job working 9-5 and making sufficient to live, having time off for vacations, and so forth. I have often thought I would rather do this, however, I have learned so much during these past few years that have helped me to come to know God. I have seen His hand in sending angels to help me when I was at the end of my rope and completely discouraged. I have looked at the books and realized that there was no way we were going to make it through the month -- over a year ago. We're still here! It just keeps working. I know it's His hand helping me.

Because of these problems I have prayed with more feeling than ever in my life. He has spoken to me, calmed my troubled heart, and sent the Holy Ghost to comfort me. He has taught me about what is really important: accepting the sacrifice of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I feel it. I know it. I know why. I know that no amount of suffering in this life can compare to Eternal torment, and He has already paid that price. I know that every person already agreed to accept His Atonement before even coming to Earth, and must keep their promise to repent or they will suffer. Everyone needs to know these things. I know He loves all of His children and makes it easy for them, if they will choose Him. I have come to know God in my extremities! I'm so grateful for the problems, pain, hardship, and suffering -- "the price is a privilege to pay." I would be willing to suffer anything to know what I know now.

Spiritual Muscles
When Micah Ashby wanted to build muscles we bought a weight machine. The tendency for a boy is to do what he can, but that doesn't really build bulk -- it's only in doing one or two reps more than he can that the muscles get bigger. Nobody can do it for him, or force him to do it. He has to want to push that bar up. Spiritual muscles are like that. When we are only doing what we can in life, we don't build spiritual strength. It's only when we are doing more than we can that we grow, learn, and improve. We also have to want to grow. Others can tell us how, but unless we do the work we won't get the benefit.

I have a picture of two of my children on a steep incline in Space Mountain at Disneyland. One has a grimace and white-knuckles, and the other has her hands in the air with a big smile. The first seems to be saying, "STOP!" and the other is enjoying the ride. I have noticed that most people have quiet and easy lives -- until they come to Christ. As a Ward Mission Leader, I have often counseled people who are about to be baptized to prepare them to find more difficulties. I tell them, "You just got off the merry-go-round and got on the roller-coaster. Hang on! The more problems you have, the more you will learn. Don't try to stop it, this is the hand of the Lord helping you to grow up spiritually."

The deeper meaning to every experience in life is to ask, "What can I learn from this?" The situation in which we find ourselves is not really the issue, but rather the potential for learning that it creates. If there is no potential for learning; if a circumstance doesn't cause us to stretch and grow and change, then it isn't useful -- we are just spinning our wheels. A quiet, easy, stress-free life is not what will bring us to know our Creator, but rather lots of ups and downs. When we really understand this concept we can be grateful for all our pain, trouble, and adversity. We can forgive easily, knowing that whatever problems others cause us is for our growth and benefit. The idea of spiritual growth as a purpose of life changes my whole perspective. The sense of: "this (hardship) is not supposed to happen!" is gone, I'm no longer on the roller-coaster screaming, "Stop!" but rather enjoying it -- and I have peace. It is supposed to happen, and it's for my benefit. Every experience can be a lesson that brings me closer to my Father in Heaven.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey

One bright day a man woke up and went in to his little son, "Get up, little one, today you go to the marketplace for the first time. We're going to sell our donkey so we can get tools for the farm." The little boy jumped right up. He was so excited to see the market for the first time. He had been anticipating it for his whole life, it seemed.

They didn't even stop for breakfast, taking some bread, cheese, and fruit with them to eat on the way. They would find plenty to eat once they arrived. The distance wasn't far, but it would take them a couple of hours. The three set out for the market, walking together.

They hadn't gone far when a woman out beating her rug noticed them on the highway, "That's silly," she said, "why don't you use your beast of burden, then one of you can rest on the journey." The man thought this to be wise advice and set his son on the donkey.

They all went along happily until a fat woman all dressed-up in yellow robes and a big headdress chided them, "Why does your youth sit on the donkey? You should be riding because you are the man of the house." The man thought that was reasonable and took his son down and sat on the donkey.

They hadn't gone far when a group of men all standing around laughing pointed at them and said, "Look at that! The father makes his young son walk! What kind of dad is that? He should let his son ride with him." The man thought that was a great idea so he brought his son up on the donkey.

The ride was good, and they were getting close. They could hear the noise of the marketplace in the distance when an old man coming back from the market pointed his cane at them, "Shame on you for both riding that poor donkey, you'll overburden it and it will be of no use to you." The man got worried so they both got off. They didn't want a lame beast, and there was nothing left to do but carry the donkey. The man and the boy picked up the donkey on their backs and carried it into the market.

Word immediately swept the entire market: "A man and his boy are carrying their donkey to market!" The man, the boy, and the donkey worked all day, but nobody would buy their donkey because, who wants a donkey that has to be carried?

The weightier matters
Focusing on who walks and who rides is really not important. What is important is getting the donkey sold for a good price so the family can get the tools needed for the farm. I think if the man had a clear idea of what he wanted, he would have been able to ignore the talk of others and continue on his way. I see the story as a man who didn't focus on his primary purpose so he let others sway his thinking.

This is why my business is in trouble. I don't know what I should be doing so I take the advice of others. It sounds reasonable, at the time, and probably doesn't matter very much. I don't know what is important, and what is not. Because I don't have a clear vision of what should happen, or how to get there, I rely on others out of fear. The Lord had something to say to Joseph Smith about this when he lost the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon.

And behold, how oft you have transgressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men.
For, behold, you should not have feared man more than God. Although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words, yet you should have been faithful; and he would have extended his arm and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble. (D&C 3:6-8)

The storms of life
Peter stepped out of the boat into the water and began to walk on it, but he looked around at all the waves and feared, lest he should fall, and began to sink. He cried out, and the Lord was there to pick him up. Fear and faith cannot coexist. As long as Peter focused on Christ, he was doing well in spite of the wind and waves, boisterous.

The storms rage all around, but the house that is built upon the Rock will not fall. Everyone has storms. Everyone has times of trouble. Everyone has problems that are insurmountable. The Lord is there. If He is in your boat, it cannot sink. If He is in your house it cannot fall. You may make mistakes and be tossed by every wind of doctrine. You may be sinking because you focus on the storm instead of the Savior. He is there. He will save you. Look to God -- and live! Call out to Him for salvation from your own mistakes, ignorance, and fear. He will reach out His hand and pull you up out of the water. You will not sink. You will not perish. He will put you back in the boat, and calm the storm. He will be your shelter from the storm. He has already finished His work, it is done, and all are saved who look to Him.

Do not fear man. If men point the finger and say, "you should do this, or that..." heed them not. Hold your course. Keep going. Don't give up! Never give up! Keep your primary focus on the Lord and He will bring you through the storms, and the advice of others.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Guy

I have been such a wimp all of my life. I have avoided conflict and confrontation to the extreme. I come to the point of confrontation and lose all resolve. I could never be a lawyer because I cannot think clearly when the confrontation is hot. I must always have the upper hand, or else I lose my cool, and my brain.

I always thought of myself as a "peacemaker" who helps others to get along, but I suspect I've been doing it wrong. "Peace at all costs" means giving in to evil. It means not confronting wrong. It means allowing people to take advantage of others. It means being complicit to evil. Mostly, it seems I lack clarity on what is right and what is wrong.

The reason for being a wimp is because of the fear of man. The strong desire to be admired by all, or seeking for the honors of men, creates a fear inside of losing such honor. Those who use and abuse mankind can see through that weakness and use it against me to their own ends. Thus, the fear of man is among the seven deadly sins. I think it should be chief among them. I need to repent of this evil that I perpetrate on all of mankind by my inaction.

"You should not have feared man more than God." (D&C 3:7) God is all that is good. All good is embodied in Jesus Christ, who has set the standard and paid the price. Whatever leads to Him is good, and whatever doesn't is evil. Good and evil can be defined so clearly and concisely that anyone can know. I'm not afraid that they will hurt me. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of obscurity, loneliness, and disapproval. I don't want to be "trodden under the feet of men." This is my fear.

Ironically, that which we fear is what we bring about in our lives. I have caused, by my wimpiness, much tongue-wagging, pity, and reprisal. I have been in court in front of juries and judges, reprimanded by the California Medical Board, and lost the respect of my peers. I am not considered a good doctor among doctors, a good businessman among those who know business, a good husband by my ex-wife, or father by my children, or anything good. I cannot do good if I am in such fear of stepping on toes. In trying to please everyone, I have pleased no one. Fear has brought about the very thing I feared.

Making enemies
Living a good life means having friends and enemies. Doing the right thing will cause those who don't to oppose you. One author noted, "If you don't have any enemies, you haven't tried hard enough." (author unknown) The process of helping people come to know God and salvation brings with it the attendant effect of many who bless your name, and those who curse you.

Being a wimp is not the way of the Lord. The Lord never allows sin, error, or evil. He doesn't let the smallest impurity into His Kingdom. "I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance." (D&C 1:31) While He loves His children more than any human capacity to understand, yet He allows all to choose, even it they choose to suffer. He weeps over them when they choose not to be with Him, and are cast out and suffer Eternal torment. God has enemies, and he doesn't allow them into His House -- even though He loves them.

Wise as serpents
"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing." (author unknown) Edmund Burke tells us that "When evil combines, it is essential for good men to gather as well." Those who fight evil must do so by pointing it out, making it clear, and focusing on good, truth, right, and virtue. When in conversation an evil philosophy is voiced, the error must be pointed out, and the truth told. Allowing the wrong doctrine to go unopposed is akin to promoting it. Doing nothing is being a friend to evil, and accomplishes nothing.

The fact is, we are in a war. We have been fighting a war since before we came to Earth. The war between good and evil is ongoing. We won the first battle, and now we are in the midst of the great and last battle. This is the battle for the souls of men, the children of God. We fight with the sword of truth, the shield of faith, and so forth. People are killed as their souls are lost to error and complacency. The confrontation is constant. The battle rages on without letting up for a second. The enemy tells us there is no battle, people are not dying, all is good, all is quiet on the front, the enemy is our friend -- and we believe. We lose sight of the lines of good and evil.

In order to understand your enemy, you must become like him. The Father of lies seeks for understanding, and I have obliged. After all, it's only right that I give everyone an opportunity. I am learning that this is wrong. People choose their own paths in life. I cannot choose for them. I cannot give in to even a little evil. If people come into the office and don't follow instructions, they might be asked to leave. Only those who will comply with my program should come back. This is because of their choices. If they choose to be healthy, they will do as they're told and get better. "Him that has, gets." This is because their previous choices lead to more choices and blessings. While all people have the same opportunity, all people are not salvageable. Many choose the low road, and these will no longer waste my time. I will not "Cast my pearls before the swine." I can encourage everyone, allow for mistakes and repentance, and move on in the work of the Lord, always seeking after those things and people that are "Virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Courage and Victory

Victory! Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Jesus is the reason for everything. All improvement in life, either individual or collective, must come through Him.

In the Book of Mormon there is a story of Nephi and his family traveling for many years in the wilderness. They came to an ocean that they needed to cross. While they had seen ships before, nobody in the family had experience building one. How could they make one that was seaworthy? Nephi was instructed by the Lord how to build one, but his brothers, Laman and Lemuel, didn't believe it was possible. They just wanted to stay where they were and not go on to the Promised Land. It would be safer. Nephi tried to persuade them to go on:

"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto them that they should murmur no more against their father; neither should they withhold their labor from me, for God had commanded me that I should build a ship.
And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.
And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?"  (1 Nephi 17:49-51)

With the Lord's help, Nephi convinced his brothers to help him, and together they built a ship that withstood the storms and took the family safely across the sea to the promised land.

All success, safety, and security come from Jesus. In fact, with the help of the Lord, there is no way we can fail. He gives us the ability to go past what we know, feel, and understand. We can venture out into the darkness or the great unknown with the security of knowing He will help us, that He will always be there, that He has already made sure we will win.

Without Him there is no growth or improvement. We can only do what we already know because that is where our security lies. We will seek security in doing what other people do. Thus, everyone keeps doing the same things and neither the individual nor the group can learn, grow, and live. Part of the decline of a society is the focus on worldly safety and security instead of that of the Lord. This causes people to act out of fear, instead of choosing what is best, or the will of God. Those without faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, seek for a "government" or some other powerful entity to save them. They always end up trading their freedom for a promise of security, but they never get it. We see this happening in our political arena today.

On the other hand, those who have faith in Christ are those who become the leavening to raise up their generation because they have the ability and security to venture out and do things that others wouldn't do. They are willing to go "outside the box" into paths unknown in spite of disapproval and criticism of men. For example, I do "alternative" medicine. My peers call me a "quack," but I heal diseases they consider "incurable." I am able to do my business because of Him. If not for Him and His assurance of salvation I would take the easy, secure, well-worn path, and continue doing what I learned in medical school -- just like everyone else. My security is in Him so I'm willing to take a lot of risks. As Admiral David Farragut said, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" Over time, I see more and more of "us," doctors who are willing to go out on a limb and do what works, instead of what everyone else does. Thus, the population will have more access to healing and everyone is better.

Those who have committed themselves to doing His will, know that there is no way they could lose. They know that if the Lord says it will happen, it will so they can have courage. The knowledge that He died for me gives me power to do anything because I know I will be resurrected. Also, His grace is sufficient for all ills such that even my failures are turned into successes; if I should fall, I can repent and be forgiven, and I will learn and grow in the process. I can go into the line of fire, risking everything because I know the final outcome -- "Victory! victory! Through Him that redeemed us!"

Friday, October 26, 2012

Life is not efficient

I have always tried to be efficient. I'm very frugal, even miserly! I have few needs -- my kids call me "Gandhi." I keep things in order. My family was always on time to every function. I even had a specific way of dressing in the morning. In the midst of this miserly, practical and efficient way of living I have come to know, and love, Karyn. Karyn has a lot of children who have a lot of needs, which they often take care of themselves. For example, food is provided in the kitchen, and the children may cook and eat whenever they're hungry. All of these people in the kitchen at random times makes for a very inefficient system. The kitchen gets messy very quickly. Food is left out to spoil. Lots of food is wasted -- there always seems to be one slice of cold toast in the toaster. Nobody can keep up with it. The system is so inefficient!
I look around at the world and see that all of life is very inefficient. I had an apricot tree that produced every other year, or so. I love apricots fresh-picked ripe off the tree, but they would all come ripe at the same time. I only got a few of them, the rest went to the ants, and lay rotting on the ground under the tree -- so inefficient! There is waste everywhere! Plants make hundreds or thousands of seeds for every one that will grow into another plant. Animals likewise have multiple offspring for every one that will grow up to reproduce.

Even God is not efficient. Of the billions of offspring who are our siblings, only a handful will reach their full potential and go on to Eternal Life. A third were lost before even coming to Earth, and most of those who are born in this world don't choose the Lord to serve Him. Like the millions of seeds that lay dormant and die they will not have Eternal Life. They don't grow. They don't learn. They don't have offspring. This is not as a sperm where millions are trying to reach the one egg and only one of them will get in while the rest are left out. Nor is it like a seed that randomly falls into a plot of ground with good soil and moisture. Nature is filled with seemingly random events, but every child of God can choose not to live, making humans just as inefficient!

Meeting in the middle
With my new family being so inefficient, I have had to look at the other side of the coin. The product of efficiency is to separate people, because people are inefficient. In order to run at peak efficiency the needs of people around you must be avoided. This isn't just true in a family, it is true in business. I worked for a head and neck surgeon who was able to take care of sixty patients in one day (that's three times what I was doing) She explained to me that the way she was able to do this was to not let them speak, don't ask open-ended questions, only "yes-or-no," and don't allow elaboration. I have since found many doctors who work with people in this manner. One study showed that it took an average of six seconds for a doctor to interrupt a patient. This is how efficiency excludes others.

On the other hand, there are those who connect with people. They aren't very efficient, in fact, like my family, they may be downright wasteful. However, they provide more than "food, clothing, and shelter" for others. They provide things like love, comfort, hope, and belonging. It may be more effective to be inefficient!

Nevertheless, while we are in the world we need to take care of things. Everything in the world is constantly degrading and needs to be kept up. There is work to do for "our daily bread," as Adam was told. If we do nothing, we suffer a lack of the things we need. The more efficient we are, the more we will have to take care of our own needs and those of others. I have often thought that there must be some "happy medium" that allows us to both love and be efficient, or an ideal balance between the two.

In discussing this concept with my brother, Chas, he explained that it isn't "meeting in the middle" that brings balance, but rather having the wisdom to know what to manage efficiently, and what to waste. The bottom-line is that the things of the world need to be run efficiently, but people are to be taken care-of.

In the movie Mary Poppins Mr. Banks is a model of efficiency both at work and at home. His song tells his philosophy:

"A British bank is run with precision;

A British home requires nothing less.

Tradition, discipline, and rules must be the tools.

Without them, disorder! catastrophe! in short you have a ghastly mess!"


"Tuppins, patiently... invested in the... bank."

Into his perfect world comes Mary Poppins to care for the children. Her songs include:

"Find the fun and, snap! the job's a game!

...For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."


"Feed the birds, Tuppins a bag."

Two very different philosophies indeed! One is a man who takes care of things, the other is a woman who takes care of people. In the end, Mr. Banks learns the lesson -- That the bank may need to be efficient, but his home is for taking care of his wife and children. In his job he can be exacting with tradition, discipline and rules, but at home he needs to "go fly a kite!"
But, even in the middle of business it is important to keep the people and the efficiency separate. Tools, equipment, and money must be efficiently handled, but people must be allowed to be inefficient. For example, a medical practice must keep efficiency subservient to care. Caring for people requires time. Time is money. Thus, it may be more costly to adequately take care of people, but the extra time and expense are worth the investment. Truly helping people rise up, improve, and change requires that it be done on their time, not ours. Teachers and parents understand this implicitly; not all children will be reading books by the age of six. Growth and development for some may come much later and take a long time. But even so, one part of caring for people is to help them to grow in their ability to see the details needed in caring for things.

Resources and property must be cared-for, but in a different way than people. They must be maintained to exacting standards at all times. "The devil is in the details." John D. Rockefeller was one of the early industrialists in the oil business. He was so orderly and efficient that he was able to keep costs down below his competitors and push them out of business. For example, one day while passing by the packaging plant, he saw a worker using 40 welds on the lids of Oil barrels. John D. asked him use 38 instead, but the man didn't think that would work so they settled on 39. Just one weld per barrel saved thousands of dollars every year.

Wisdom requires that we exclude neither the inefficiencies of caring for life, nor the details of caring for things, but rather to keep them in their proper order. The focus must be efficiency for things and caring for people. Putting these right gave Mr. Rockefeller the ability to direct hundreds of millions of dollars for the benefit of millions of people. His legacy continues to this day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live, and Give Life

I used to say, "live and let live..."
Only in the past couple of days have I come to realize that I was really saying, "Live and let DIE!"

Throughout my life I have viewed Christianity as a philosophy, or a two-dimensional idea. I fully believed and knew that it was true, but it had the status of an idea, it wasn't real. I had a certain understanding, and allowed others keep their own ideas. This is "tolerance." I would love to share my philosophy with others, and listen to theirs in a pleasant exchange of ideas. In my head, or heart, Christianity was just another philosophy, among many. I believed it to be the truth, and I had many experiences that confirmed this to me, however being Christian remained a concept.

Through a series of experiences in the past several weeks I have come to know that accepting Christ as our Savior isn't just a good idea, it's not just truth, it is life. It is everything. It is the purpose of life. It is the reality of existence. It's really, really important. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of becoming a disciple of Christ. Not only is it the beginning of everything good, it is the end of everything bad.

I have done a grave disservice to my family because I wasn't valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ. I let my wife and children be on their own, independent. I gave them what I had. I wanted them to go to church and participate in the rituals of my religion, but I left them alone in just accepting whatever they believed. But, in the end, they didn't accept my two-dimensional religion.

Now I feel differently. Because of this the Atonement of Jesus Christ has taken on a real, three-dimensional, aspect. Instead of being like a picture, it is now palpable; it isn't a philosophy, it is life, reality, and truth. Everything else is false. If we don't believe in Jesus Christ and obey the word of God we will not return to Heaven, we will not be happy, we will suffer the most intense and horrific suffering, more than can be imagined by man. There is no way out in Hell, as Dante said, "Abandon hope all who enter here!" This suffering will apply to EACH and EVERY person who doesn't accept Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter how much of a "good" life one has lived, nor does your particular philosophy matter.

There are many philosophies that include the death of the body as the end of consciousness. This is dangerously false. I actually thought it would be fine because I would just cease to exist, I even liked the idea -- but that isn't possible. Existence goes on forever, our only choice is how we are going to continue. "Death" in the Eternal sense means "separation," physical death being the separation of body and spirit, and spiritual death being separation from God. Separation from God is NOT fun. You will go on, the only real choice in life is to go on in misery, or to believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and be saved from death and suffering.

I now know why the martyrs suffered so much for their testimony of Jesus Christ. They had a testimony of what it really means to be His disciple. They had views of Eternity. They had built their house on The Rock, or Foundation that cannot fall. They knew what I now know -- there is no other way. Whatever we suffer in life is limited and temporary -- nothing, compared to Endless suffering. I would suffer any pain, deprivation, torture, or death for this truth because it is everything good, and there is nothing outside of Him. To deny Him is Eternal torment, which is beyond anything we could suffer in the flesh.

I also know why we even capitalize the pronouns that refer to Him! I used to think it was just convention due out of respect because He is our Creator, but now I know that it's all about Him. He is the Light and Life of the World. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all that is. Without Him there is no life, no health, no happiness, no joy, no goodness, no pleasure, and no peace. All that is left is misery, suffering, sorrow, loneliness, and pain.

With Him is everything good. Good is whatever leads us to Him, and evil is whatever takes us away. Evil is simply the absence of Christ. Thus, my concept of "live and let live" is really "live and let die." If I allow others to maintain their false philosophies, then they remain without Christ and will only find misery, suffering, and death. Life is in Him, and everything else is death.

Not, "Live and let live."
Not, "Live and let die."

Rather, "live and give life." Share knowledge and wisdom of the reality of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Live and give life! An old movie I saw as a child called "Logan's Run" had a big impact on me. They were in a domed city where all their needs were met. They had no families, no work, no struggle for life. Logan heard about the world outside and went to find it. What he found was beauty and infinite variety in nature, he went back to tell the others. He came to the place where those who were programmed to die before they became a burden were going in and yelled to them, "You don't have to die! You can live! LIVE!" This is what I want to shout to all. Everyone who will believe in Jesus Christ can live!

Everyone needs to know this. It's not just another philosophy. We don't just need to convince people it's true. It's the only path to God and life. Any other way only brings suffering and death. "Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise." (2 Nephi 2:8)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Freedom to Choose

Under Obama the official religion of the United States of America has changed from Christianity to Humanism, or Existentialism. Most people don't see this, but our laws and government no longer support a belief in God. Our President has gone out into the world advertising this to other countries, "We are not a Christian nation..." I believe it is essential for those who continue to seek God to stand up and be counted. Where does existentialism lead?

Dostoyevsky said, "If God didn't exist everything would be possible." Jean-Paul Sartre agreed with this, and continued, "Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does."
(Jean-Paul Sartre / 1905-1980 / Existentialism and Humanism /1945)

Before both Dostoyevsky and Sartre, Korihor, a Book of Mormon "anti-Christ" outlined the existentialist and humanist philosophy:

"No man can know of anything which is to come." (Alma 30:13)
"Prophecies... are foolish traditions of your fathers." (Alma 30:14)
"Ye cannot know of things which ye do not see." (Alma 30:15)
"A remission of your sins... is the effect of a frenzied mind." (Alma 30:16)
"Every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature, and every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime." (Alma 30:17)
"When a man was dead, that was the end thereof." (Alma 30:18)
"I do not believe that there is a God; and I say also, that ye do not know that there is a God." (Alma 30:48)

This passage is such a complete and concise treatise on existentialism that it would not be unreasonable to propose that Sartre, Niche, and Dostoyevsky plagiarized the Book of Mormon, taking the philosophy of Korihor as their own.

This reasoning can be distilled into one logical fallacy: "If I don't see, then you can't see."

However, like all counterfeit ideas, there is one part of the Humanist philosophy that is exactly correct: "Every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature.." Meaning that if one is rich, poor, educated or ignorant, it's NOT because some god made them that way, it's because of their own choices. Thus, "Man is condemned to be free..." However, the concept is even deeper than Sartre states. We are all free to choose to follow God, or not, depending on what we believe. And, "...he is responsible for everything he does." Since God gave us freedom, we become responsible, not just in the immediate sense, but in the Eternal as well. Since life is forever, we will be both here and in the hereafter, whatever we choose to be.

The ability to choose is called "agency." The Lord told Enoch about how we are given agency, "The Lord said unto Enoch: Behold these thy brethren; they are the workmanship of mine own hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge, in the day I created them; and in the Garden of Eden, gave I unto man his agency." (Moses 7:32) First we are given knowledge, and then the ability to choose, because without knowledge there is no choice.

The choice we really have, though, is not such mundane things as how we fare in this life, but rather between good and evil, kingdoms, principalities, powers, and dominions. What we perceive is a tiny fraction of what exists. What we understand is as an infant understands the world of his parents. Eternity is huge, it's forever, it is inexplicable and must be experienced, and yet we wallow in our little worlds, knowing, but refusing to believe there is more.

The bottom-line of evil is "I want." All evil can be defined in terms of selfishness. I saw an interview with a man in prison for killing a woman while trying to steal her car. His reasoning was existential, "I just wanted her car, but she wouldn't give it to me so I had to kill her." He understood his choice to get what he wanted and she was in the way. This is the result of teaching our children "Desert freedom." Those who don't seek God simply aren't willing to give up the mundane, petty, little things they have. It would be like when your son turns sixteen and you offer him a car for his birthday, but the child only wants Legos. He can't see past his toys to have so much more freedom.

These choices we make are so important and we just flitter them away because we think this is freedom. Existentialist freedom is like bringing an infant into the desert and leaving him alone, telling him he is free to do whatever he wants. This is why Sartre said that the existentialist is "alone" and "forlorn." The ultimate consequence of evil, or selfishness, is isolation. When we seek our own selfish desires we are inherently separating ourselves from others. Sartre said, "Hell is other people." Indicating that it's the people around you, trying to get what they want who prevent you from getting what you want. This is hell. The cause is selfishness. The result is loneliness, separation, rejection, contention, and hatred. There is, however, another choice. We are free to choose the forlorn and bitter life of Sartre; or, we can choose Eternal life.

To choose good is to make a connection with the Eternal. Peace, joy, comfort, love, hope, rest, happiness and all that is good is found in the bosom of our Father in Heaven. When we choose to seek Him we will find Him; this is the real choice we make every minute of every day. Some choose less, some more, and everything in between. In a word, the choice we have is between self and God; it is what we have now, or we can give up what we have for more. The path to Heaven must be followed exactly. Even slight deviations lead to other places. We can understand this in a University. Each student may be on a different track, but his path is set. He will not get a diploma unless he completes all of his course work. He cannot fail courses and receive a degree.

The result of good, or selflessness, is connection. We connect with God, our Creator, when we give our hearts to Him. We inherently know this. I was fascinated to watch the Star Trek movie where "V-GER" went through the Universe trying to connect with it's creator so it could upload all the information it had gathered. But after having so much information it was no longer content with just uploading, it wanted to join with and become one with the creator. The creator was NASA which sent out VoyaGER space probes to gather information about our Solar System in the 1970's. The story touched on a truth: true happiness will only come through our connection to our Creator -- God.

To choose good
The choice of good is the opposite of evil. It is to be un-selfish, selfless, giving, loving, kind, considerate, and serving. It is to "bless those who curse you." It is to "help those who spitefully use you." It is to forgive all wrongs done to you. It is to take in evil and give back good. It is to give up your wants in order fill the needs of others. This is so simple, so black-and-white, so night-and-day that even a child can understand. There is no gray area between good and evil. Good is unselfish. It leads to happiness.

The process of connecting with God is to connect with other people. "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar." (1 John 4:20) We begin in our families. Children are taught by righteous parents how to love their siblings and those around them. They are taught to share, to forgive, to be kind, to wait your turn, and so forth. Parents demonstrate by sacrificing themselves, their wants, needs and desires. They give up their desires for sleep, food, and time in order to be with, teach, and love their children. The children know because the both hear the precept and see the example. They are then able to emulate and even build upon what they learn. This is why families are so important to society.

The key to all good is found in the paradox, "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 10:39) When taken in the context of good and evil it makes perfect sense. If you choose to seek your own desires, you will lose what you really want that brings life, what makes you whole, complete, and happy -- a connection with God. Instead you will find that "Hell is other people." Whereas if you give up what you want and turn all your dreams, desires, and aspirations to God, following Jesus Christ into the depths of humility, doing only those things commanded by God, doing only His righteous will, you will be able to connect with Him, and all that exists in Eternity. You will have life, power, peace, joy and Eternal happiness. You will, in contrast to evil, find that Heaven is other people!

Our choice
Our society is at a turning point. "And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction..." (Mosiah 29:27) If we choose leaders that will lead us into evil, then we are evil (speaking as a group) and will find our lack of unity causes our downfall. Internal strife will lead to our destruction as a nation. We can choose good. We have the power. We can stand up for love and peace. We can be unselfish -- if we make the choice.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What I know

I was planning a talk that I will be giving to doctors and other health care professionals who meet for lunch every month in Santa Barbara. I'm basically talking about nutritional supplements, which is my business. I don't believe in them; nevertheless, I recommend them daily for specific conditions. I find they work -- sometimes. Why don't I believe in them? Because I think everyone should get their nutrients from their diet, and I don't KNOW for sure in advance what they will do. I realize that I don't know ANYTHING about health, wellness, and those things that I'm supposed to be expert in. Most of what I learned in Medical School was wrong, often doing more harm to health than good. I had to learn everything I know about health on my own -- and I still cannot be sure of anything.

I began to question myself. What do I really know? I'm supposed to know this stuff, but I don't! Is there anything I know? Is there any truth that I could tell these health professionals, or is it all subjective interpretation? The foundation of the knowledge I use is "scientific research studies," which I know are often suspect, and sometimes fraudulent. When it comes to being a doctor, I stand with Socrates: "I only know that I know nothing!"

However, I do believe there is absolute truth. The knowledge I have received through the Holy Ghost is forever, never changing, always true, and true for everyone. In this context, there are a few things I am absolutely sure of.

As I exist, I know:

God Lives.

We are all children of God. Everyone.

We have always existed. No beginning.

Life is forever -- we cannot ever cease to exist. No end.

We are here because we are cast out of Heaven in order to learn and grow. Earth is a temporary stage of our existence.

We chose to come.

Before we came to Earth we were given options for the next stage of life. Our Father told us we would have to leave Heaven in order to get a body and learn good and evil because as yet, we were innocent. In order to come back with our new bodies and intelligence we would need someone among us who would leave willingly, suffer the vicissitudes of life, suffer the depths of hell, and die willingly. Jesus agreed to do this, and be the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Before we were born, before the Earth was even created, all of God's children were divided into two groups: those who believed Christ would save us, and those who didn't.
Those of the children of God who didn't believe rebelled, and refused to come to Earth because they couldn't put their trust in Him.

Only those who were believers are born into a mortal body.

It's all about Him.

I know that Jesus Christ did what He said He would do. It's already done. He suffered willingly for all of us.

I know that He died on the cross, and three days later was resurrected; everyone who was ever born will also be resurrected.

Only by following Him can we be "born again" and return to God, and receive all that God has.

Again, there will be two groups of people at the final judgment day: those who believe in Christ, and those who are judged by their works.

We are choosing our path every day.

Every person will give an accounting to God for his time on the Earth.

We are choosing through each little choice we make every day, what our Eternal path will be.

Those who follow Jesus Christ into the depths of humility, submitting their will to His will have Eternal Life, or continual growth, increase, joy, happiness, love, connection, glory, power, dominion, and so forth.

Those who choose to do what they want, will get exactly that -- and nothing more. They stay where they are forever; there is no increase.

Restoration of truth.

I know that Joseph Smith saw a vision of God and Jesus Christ.

Through him the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ was restored to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances of salvation.

Only those who believe in Jesus Christ, receive the ordinances, and keep their covenants can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Book of Mormon is the word of God, as are the Bible, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
God teaches the world through prophets today, as in all other times.

There is no end to God's word.

Though Socrates never knew absolute truth, this knowledge is now available to all. I have something he didn't -- truth through the gift of the Holy Ghost. These are the things I know. Everything else is still suspect.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I was in the SLC airport yesterday, going to Los Angeles and as I got to the gate there was a family there with three little children. The father was talking to the attendant at the gate, "I'm sorry, sir, we have no stand-by seats..." The plane was boarding and the mother, with a baby in her arms and two little boys, 2 and 4, with their luggage started towards the gangplank. The dad was standing there, watching them go. She looked down at her boys and said, "Say goodbye to daddy!" They both ran back and gave their daddy a big hug, "I love you daddy!" He replied, "I'll see you in Shanghai." As he watched his family go down the ramp.
It was my good fortune to have the seat right next to them. The mom really had her hands full with her baby and all the luggage. The boys clinging to her as she tried to get organized. She with the baby and her four-year-old occupied the two seats on the other side of the aisle from me, her two-year-old was right next to me, across the aisle from his mom. She got everyone to buckle-up, telling her little boy, "I need you to be mommy's little helper and keep your belt on until the plane goes up in the air." He said, "Okay mommy." But had a hard time keeping still.
Throughout the two-hour trip the little boy went through the entire range of emotion. For a while I kept him busy drawing on my computer. But when the attendant said we were landing soon we had to "turn off all electronic devices..." and buckle again. I took the magazine from the seat pocket and showed him pictures, asking him what they were.. "a dog, another dog, a robot, a cat, a laser..." This worked until we landed in LA. The other passengers thanked me for keeping the child busy so he didn't cry the whole time. I wondered how she was going to manage a 14-hour flight to China!
Good, better, best
I was thinking... It is good to get in a plane and take care of yourself, not disturbing anyone. It's better to see a need and help out, but it would have been best to keep the family together. I might have given up my seat to have the father there with the family -- far better than just keeping one child occupied during the shorter leg of their journey.
The family is the most important social unit in society. If we protect families, we protect our whole society. Our laws must do all we can to keep a family together. We must support primarily the family and secondarily the individual. We must acknowledge that without a strong family structure our children won't have the character to maintain peace in the world, and destruction is assured. Only in families can each child be taught to love and be unselfish. All other ways of teaching children make them selfish. Selfishness brings all forms of wickedness, evil and destruction. In one sense, all evil can be defined as, "I want." If people are self-centered, they don't consider the rights, wants, and needs of others. Wars, murders, lying, stealing, and hatred in any form is simply selfishness. Unselfishness, or love, must be taught, it isn't automatic. It all begins with the man.
A man is the leader of the family in the same way Jesus is the head of the Church. Those in the Church are baptized as a covenant, binding themselves to him, promising to be true to Him always. He gives them commandments, but never forces His righteous will upon them. He loves His people. He nurtures them. He cares for them. He gives to them according to their wants. He sacrificed Himself for them, dying on the cross, suffering Eternal torment so they could have life without suffering. He allows them to stray, calling them back, offering forgiveness for anything and everything. This is the example of what a real man does for his family.
A man must be especially attentive to his wife. He must put the needs of his wife above his own. To a man, a woman is millions of times more important than all of his toys, money, houses, lands, businesses, and worldly possessions -- put together! He needs to treat her like she has that kind of value in order to keep her forever. She is neither to do his work, nor appease his hunger. She is to be protected like the heart in a body -- surrounded by the lungs in the middle of the chest with ribs for protection.
A great indicator of the wickedness of our society is the way women are treated. There are two fallacies that are taught to our children in school, at home, and all over the social structure. 1. Women are just like men, and 2. Women are objects like toys to play with, which we addressed above.
The truth is, men and women are different (as the French say, "Vive le difference!). We are not to treat a woman like a man. She doesn't go out and work for money, she needs to be in the home. She is the heart of the family. How she feels is how the family goes, just like the old saying from the South, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"
As a wife, a woman gives herself to her husband. This is all he really wants, her heart. If she doesn't feel loved and cherished, or if she feels unsafe she will hold back. The importance of the covenant of marriage is that even when they don't feel like being married, they remain together because of the promise. This teaches unselfishness -- or love.
Those who become mothers nurture the children in love. A mother sacrifices for them. When they have a need she drops everything to care for them. She doesn't regard her own needs higher than theirs; even her most basic needs of eating and sleeping are sidelined in order to care for their needs. This is how she loves her children, and how the children feel loved -- and lovable.
The children are the reason. Families exist to nurture children and provide an environment where they can grow and mature. This requires that they experience the best of life. In order to learn something a human being must experience it. We really never understand anything we don't actually experience. They must feel loved, be loved, and see their parents love each other. They must experience the vicissitudes of life in a safe environment where they can be comforted. These things cannot be done in day-care, classrooms, or any other way devised to raise children. Children without a loving family don't mature in ways that are essential to happiness. They may still grow up later, but only with great difficulty.
In one sense, the family raises the children to be independent. The beginning stage of maturity is the ability to take care of ones self. From there, some really advanced families help the children to be interdependent, bringing independent people together to do things none of them could do alone. This, of course, requires love, trust and unselfishness. It is upon this interdependence that whole societies flourish because of synergy: 1+1=10. Two people working together can do ten times what they collectively do as independent entities. Independent people only make a functional society.
Society goes backwards when it begins to cater to individuals because they foster dependence. The lowest form of existence is dependence, one step up is independence, and the highest is interdependence. You can see this progression in the normal growth of children. As society values independence we lose the interdependence that makes us strong, free, and loving. I see our political system tearing down this structure on both sides. The "Republicans" are yelling for independence, and the "Democrats" are crying for dependence. Both are going backwards. There are very few voices for love and interdependence.
When children are taught to love through family relationships, they grow up to act as leavening in their sphere of influence. These are the "movers and shakers" that raise everyone around them to new heights. These trustworthy individuals use the talents of those around them to form organizations and businesses that succeed in amazing ways. With discernment they understand how each person can contribute, and where they need help. They bring people together in such a way that the talents of one will offset the weaknesses of another. They show and teach love and trust. Without the ability to get outside of themselves people don't become good leaders. Excellence in leadership is really a gift of love.
We need good families now more than ever. Our own government is pulling down the social fabric that binds families, leading to bondage and destruction. We need leaders who love, who do not seek their own, who give from their hearts, who bring others together to fight this insidious evil. The vicious cycle has begun: the more families are broken, the more society tears them down. Strong and loving leaders can hold back this downward spiral, but only as more people turn to the Lord, Jesus Christ, will it be reversed.
The Lord
Charity is the pure love of Christ. No matter what your family upbringing, you can have a Father who loves you, and will teach you to love. As people turn to Him, they become arrows in His quiver. They wield the sword of truth to defend virtue. They are the leavening that raises their whole society. They receive from the Holy Spirit the gifts that they need to do His work. He is the master Teacher and the ultimate Leader. He is the true and loving Father of all who will give His children all they need. Those who are willing to follow Him can be great fathers and mothers, raising children who become great leaders. Thus, they act as leavening to raise up a whole nation.
Don't expect others to effect these changes. It requires the the greatest efforts of all those who are willing. As David told his son Solomon, "Know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee." (1 Chronicles 28:9) Turn to God in prayer. Ask Him how you can serve Him, and then do as he tells you. Who knows, you, or one of those you teach, may become a great leader that saves a whole generation!