Thursday, May 21, 2015

Which Power to Choose?

Cain was given the title, Mahan, or "master of the great secret" which is that we can choose to destroy others for gain.  After he killed his brother, Abel he gloried in what he had done.  "And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness.  And Cain went into the field, and Cain talked with Abel, his brother. And it came to pass that while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.  And Cain gloried in that which he had done, saying: I am free; surely the flocks of my brother falleth into my hands."  (Moses 5:31-33)  The power of Satan is the power to take from others through their destruction.  We all have power, we only choose how we are going to use it -- to create and build, or kill and destroy.  The story of these two brothers is the story of Satan and Christ.  Cain, like Satan, chose power in destruction.  On the other hand, Abel, like Christ, chose power in love, becoming a martyr.

Destructive Power
The power of Satan is the power to destroy.  Indeed, he is known as "the Destroyer" in scripture.  Everything he does is destructive.  At no time, and in no way does he ever build up.  He is the personification of destruction in all of its forms.  Some of the words used to denote his power include:
Firey darts

All the powers that bind, block, prevent growth, separate or destroy are associated with the power of Satan.  He has power, and his power is real, as real as an atomic bomb.  The bomb can do nothing but randomly destroy everything in it's path.  It has no mercy at all.  This power is so huge it can destroy anyone and anything in its path.  Nobody is immune, or can resist.  There is enough power to destroy the Earth itself.  No building can shelter from its destructive power.  It is real, ongoing and relentless.

The Power to Create
On the other hand, the power of God is the power to build.  God does not destroy, He only builds.  He is a Father, above all.  He loves, meaning He will make sacrifices in order to build up His children rather than allow them to be destroyed.  He is growing by building up all around Him.  He has power to create all things, even life itself.  He creates worlds where life can grow.  All of His efforts are spent in growing and building, never in destruction or cessation of growth.  Some of the words used to describe the power of God include:

All of these denote power to build up, improve, connect, and grow.  God's power is just as real as Satan's.  However, it is different.  Satan uses power to force, bind, and destroy, whereas Gods power comes from love.  He requests, counsels and entices, but never uses force.  His power is gentle.  He is meek, meaning He doesn't use His power to force or coerce.  He draws men to Him with love.  His power is the respect all things have for Him so they willingly obey Him.  His commands are love, and always respect the boundaries of choice.

Choice limits power
Life is choice, for without the ability to choose, there is no will and no difference -- everyone and everything is the same, there would be no purpose in creation.  As the French say, "Vive le difference!"  By giving them agency, God limited His own power to providing options for His creatures, allowing them to make a choice.  He can use no coercion, force, or compulsion on any of those He loves.  Satan himself is a child of God who used his agency given by God to choose the power of destruction and bondage over the power of life and growth.  Satan exists as the Destroyer because God, his creator, gave him the freedom to choose.  God entices His children to do good by promising more power to learn, grow, and connect with others.  His power is gained not by seeking your own, but rather by building up others, then they give you power through respect and love.  They choose to obey.

The freedom to choose limits power on both sides.  Satan has limited power because he can only influence those who choose his way, to destroy.  There are boundaries through which he cannot pass; his power is in darkness and blindness.  Those who see the Light, and choose to follow it, are immune to his influence.  Light dispels darkness; the more light and knowledge one has, the less power Satan has over him.  Knowing of the destructive power, and choosing light and growth completely destroys the work of Satan.  He only has power when those who have the ability to choose, choose the destructive power.  Those who see the light, like Lucifer, and choose darkness become as Cain, filled with destructive power.  Satan entices people with power, the power of destruction, and leads them to their own demise and damnation.  The enticement is to grow in power by taking it from others.  They are forced to obey.

The Fall of Power
Those with the power to build can fall and turn to destructive power.  The same power that can be used for good, can also be used for destruction.  Evil can easily be defined as the use of power in a selfish manner.  Nations, or people, may innocently use power, even destructive power and be justified for self-defense or protection from being destroyed.  However, threatening or using destruction to get gain is always evil.  Fighting and wars are evil because they have a single purpose -- plunder.  World War II was purported to be a gold grab, plundering all of Europe, America, and Asia.  In the process, the United States became a global empire with colonies everywhere.  Millions died.  Death and destruction were everywhere.

Prior to this, America was a chosen nation, blessed by God with freedom and wealth beyond any previous empire.  However, seventy years ago, an incredible power to destroy was used to obtain world domination.  Reporters who went to Hiroshima and Nagasaki soon after the blasts were so awestruck by the destructive power that they sat down and cried.  A whole nation fell to the power of destruction.  No longer do our "alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears."  Tears were shed at the loss of innocence, the use of force, or killing to get gain.  The United States became Master Mahan.  "The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, they took the last train for the coast, as everyone was singing, bye bye Miss American Pie, Satan was laughing with delight.  The music died."

From that point on, everything changed.  Our nation no longer worships the God of life.  Our worship has turned to the gods of destruction; we seek selfish gain in destroying life.  We worship the Epicurean god, abusing each other's flesh, and then sacrificing the children created by this behavior to the god of expediency.  Millions of children die every year before they even take a breath.  Millions more are given over to those who don't love them so parents can worship the god of money and get more for themselves.  Our laws are no longer for the purpose of protecting the innocent, rather to plunder and get gain at the expense of others.  We willingly and regularly give up our freedom to choose, the essence of life, for the promise of carnal security, bringing only bondage.  We have taken the one true God, who has the power to build us up, out of our national conversation, and banished Him to churches, synagogues, and temples.  We worship gods with power to destroy so destruction is imminent.  Truly, our nation is fallen.

Power to rise again
The power of redemption from the fall can only come from one Source.  The Lord, Jesus Christ, has the power to save the whole Earth, every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.  Every individual, every nation, and every family falls under His care.  He has all power to raise up, to build up, to resurrect, or save.  We are lost.  We are lost as a people.  Our nation is lost and fallen.  Each individual is lost and fallen.  We have gone into the territory of Satan's power, but all is not lost.  The power of love is greater than the power of destruction.  While we cannot pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, we can turn to the power of God and submit to Him.   He has the power to help.

He has power if we will choose Him.  Though we are a fallen nation, we can still choose life by turning to the Lord of all.  Salvation is a choice, a conscious decision, that comes from repentance: a whole nation searching the Scriptures for the word of God, and being obedient to it.  It is all people, in all places, at all times, praying to the God of life for forgiveness, mercy, grace, and love.  It is everyone -- individuals, groups, corporations, and all of society -- giving up the power of destruction to get gain, and using the power to build, grow, and improve.  Only death is found in the power of the devil, the power to destroy or kill.  Life is found in the power of God to build up, grow, learn, and improve.  Life is good.

Let go of the power to destroy.  Give up the power of death, to kill and get gain.  Avoid all coercion or bondage and debt.  Hate all destructive power.  Don't try to satisfy your own desires, needs, and wants; reject your own kingdom and turn to God.  Seek love.  Look for meekness.  Be humble.  Give rather than take.  Love your enemies.  Do good to those who hurt you.  Bless those who seek your destruction.  Search the Scriptures, the word of God, every day for knowledge, wisdom, and truth.  Seek the power of love, the power to build, the power to grow, nurture, and improve.  Seek the very power of God, to create.  Pray for forgiveness if you have used your power to abuse others.  Pray for God to build you up.  Ask Him to supply your needs.  Pray for those around you.  Pray for your country.  He has the power of love.  He is Omnipotent to bring you out of the destructive power, and create a new and powerful you.  Turn to God, and live!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Significant Life

Over the past several weeks I have been thinking about Karyn's half-century birthday.  I wanted to do something specific and significant, and not just give her a crock pot.  I prayed for a gift that would be meaningful, to express how much she has done for me, but I was given so much more.

This morning I woke up with the thought: What if Karyn wasn't even born?  I thought of how tragic that would have been.  I thought about all the people that would be affected.  It occurred to me how much she has influenced the world in fifty years.  Like I usually do, I started writing.  As I wrote, more things just came to me, and I wrote them down.  I would like to say that I wrote it, but it would be more truthful to say it was dictated to me.  Only when I got to the last sentence there was a word I wanted to use but the word "incredible" was given and I heard Eddy's voice.  Then, I looked back and realized that he had given me the whole thing.  There are signature words, phrases, and references, such as using the middle names of all of his children.  So, this is a gift to Karyn, from us.  Happy 50th Birthday!!!

To Karyn Camille Garza Hughes

Think of all the amazing things you have done in fifty years.  Think of all your travels, all your children, all your friends, all your family members, and how you have influenced them for good.  Think of all they have been able to do because of what you have done, and all the people they have and will influence for good.  The things you have taught, the way you have lived your life, thus far, has been a tremendous blessing to so many people in the entire world!

If you had not come into the world 50 years ago:
There would be no Heather Camille Hughes
There would be no Meaghan Elise Hughes
There would be no Christian Edward Hughes
There would be no Sarah Nicole Hughes
There would be no Kehli Noel Hughes
There would be no Heidi Marie Hughes
There would be no Micah Thomas Hughes
There would be no Shannon Michelle Hughes
There would be no Ethan Daniel Hughes

There would be many thousands of people from all over the world -- Argentina, Canada, Chile, and coast-to-coast in the United States -- who would not come to know God in this life.
Mike Chen would not be serving a mission.
I would still be searching for love in all the wrong places.

Because of you the world is a better place: 
There is more love.
There is more peace.
There is more joy.
There is more happiness.

Because of you Heaven is greater:
More people are baptized.
More people go to the Temple and make covenants with God.
More families are sealed together.
More of God's work is done.
God has more glory.

To have such a powerful and great influence over the whole Earth in your generation is significant.  Your life is significant.  You are great.  You have changed lives for the better, and for GOOD!  --many lives!  By doing God's work, teaching your children to do His work, and influencing those around you to do His work you have already become great in His eyes:

You are the salt of the Earth that brings savor to all of society.
You are the leavening that causes all the world to rise.
You are a true disciple of Christ, a real Christian, a servant of the most high God, and an ANGEL.
You do not yet even know how much good you have done.  These few things we have mentioned here can only scratch the surface of the treasures in Heaven you have accumulated in your half-century on Earth.  At a future time, you will know.  You will know forever and ever as you enjoy your treasures for all ETERNITY.

You will be able to fully understand when you have incredible joy in the Kingdom of God with all of your "children" or those you have brought with you (including me).

Scott and Eddy