Schrodigner's Cat
When Schrodinger heard about this, he coined the term "entanglement" to illustrate the notion that paired particles have a connection. He devised a way of explaining it with a cat in a box that had cyanide which could be released by the random decay of a radioactive substance. The thought experiment says that quantum entanglement is like the cat being both alive and dead at the same time, until the observer opens the box, at which point it becomes one or the other. It's the observer that creates the reality which existed in both states before it was observed. He meant to point out the absurdity of Einstein's idea, but actually seems to be the case.
In a 1935 paper, Albert Einstein explained that if indeed the "quantum spookiness" existed, then our concept of reality must be changed. Our entire reality in physics is based on a constant, C, the speed of light, which is the basis of our concept of time. It has always been assumed that there can be no communication faster than the speed of light, but, now everything has changed. While it seemed clear since the time of Einstein that it was true, "quantum entanglement" has finally been "proven" experimentally with a certainty of 1/170,000,000! (I never trust statistics, truth is always true, 100%, and anything less than that is incomplete, at best. However, this is the best we can do at this point because our ability to observe is not yet 100%.)
Changing reality
Truth is what it is and never changes, but our understanding of it may change dramatically. There are many paradoxes wherever people are trying to discover truth, such as in science and religion. The paradoxical nature of truth happens because our interpretations of our observations are either incomplete, or just plain wrong. It's not the data, it's the interpretation of the data that create the irreconcilable differences among seekers of truth. This is why there is a competition between science and religion. Each claims to know the truth, or can explain reality, using the same data with mutually incompatible interpretations. However, as more data is gathered, both are forced to come together.
Reality also exists outside of our ability to experience it. One of the issues of the idea of "quantum spookiness" is that of time. To God, time doesn't exist so He has a reality much different than we know. Now, quantum physics is leading us to begin to understand the world of God. Our constant "C" has broken-down. We now know that the speed of light is just a special case of waves of energy traveling through a medium of photons. What we thought were limits no longer are limits; amazingly, the Universe has no speed limit!
Time vs. Decision
Time doesn't exist in the Universe, it is an anomaly of our own sphere of existence in the state of matter in which we currently reside. Our dimension includes time, but outside of our observation of a sequence of events it doesn't exist at all. Since there really is no sequence of events, all things exist simultaneously in a different dimension I call "decision." Allow me a simple illustration.
Kehli asked about any stories I had about tithing, and receiving blessings. I told her a story from when I was in college, the details of which escape me, but the concept is intact. I had about $20 and was told that by giving it away, I would be able to receive more. This was my last bit of money, and there was more than a week before I got paid. I decided to test the hypothesis, and gave my last dollar. The next day, I received a $50 check from my mom (who rarely wrote, and even more rarely sent money) saying that she thought I might need it. I took it as a gift from God, my mom being the angel, or servant of God.
If we analyze this, we see that in order for me to give away the $20 on Sunday, and receive a $50 check on Monday, the check would have had to have been in the mail at least a few days before I decided, or actually gave away my $20. Indeed, the date on the check, the postmark, and the letter would all have pre-dated my decision to donate my last dollar. Therefore, logically, if I had not given away the money, I would have had $70 on Monday, instead of $50. However, the reality changes in the quantum world (God's world) not with time, but rather with decision. All possibilities exist at the same time, until a decision is made, at which point all the factors line up throughout "time" to create that reality. In other words, if I had not made the decision to give away my last $20, the check from mom would not have been in the mail, and I would have received no letter at all on Monday, or perhaps there would have been a letter with no check accompanying it.
Schrodinger's cat is actually neither alive nor dead until there is a decision to make an observation. Neils Bohr said that the "fixed" position didn't require a human observer, but rather any instrument that could measure it. Likewise, our reality becomes fixed at the moment we make the decision. We don't have to actually see or observe the entire chain of events that creates it, all we need to do is decide. The decision is called faith, which exists outside of time and therefore cannot be observed as a sequence of events until the actual decision is made. It is choice that creates reality, not sequence. This is why scientists struggle so much to learn basic concepts of reality -- they try to take choice out of the equation and only look at sequence.
Religion vs. Science
God has no time. There is no sequence of events. All things happen simultaneously. The cause and effect we observe in time is all wrong. We can reproduce it all we want, but that's only a special case because we are observing it -- like Schrodinger's cat -- observing it makes it so. But if we have faith, we can move into the quantum world where there is no time, where all things are possible, where miracles happen miraculously, and were we can have power beyond any current comprehension. What researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology discovered is the next level of science -- timelessness. This is something that the prophets of God have already known for millennia, as the Prophet Alma stated 2089 years ago,
"...all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men."So, it takes over 2000 years for us to discover with our crude instruments and constraints of time what we could have known by faith already. The moment we decide to use faith to gain knowledge our reality changes. We are no longer subject to the arguments and misinterpretations of others. We begin to understand truth as it exists -- outside of the dimension of time. God has given us this knowledge, if we will decide to use it. Again, the Apostle Paul stated this almost 2000 years ago:
(Alma 40:8)
"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:" (Ephesians 4:10-15)In 1856 W.W. Phelps published, 23 years before the birth of Einstein, a poem that describes the relativity of time and space, and contains the answer to the "quantum singularity." He tells us the problem with E=MC2 is the "C." It doesn't really exist. It is only a special case. Now, over a hundred years later, science is just beginning to understand. Quantum entanglement will change the nature of physics even more than quantum mechanics changed Newtonian physics.
Eventually, I believe science will catch up to religion, and we will "all come in the unity of the faith," to the same conclusions about our observations and data. I am in constant amazement watching scientists do the math, and eventually coming to what God had revealed to prophets since the beginning of time. I think it's incredible that using such crude tools as numbers and lasers man can discover Eternal truths. There's more than one way to kill Schrodinger's cat. But, I don't want to wait for another 100 years for them to figure it out, so instead, I'll "speak the truth in love," and walk the path of faith in God.