“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
Albert Camus
If you didn’t love me:
You wouldn’t be jealous of other relationships.
You wouldn’t need me to prove my love.
You wouldn’t feel angry when I don’t call.
You wouldn't need me to be the same as you.
You wouldn’t be sad because of a missed birthday.
You wouldn't be a harsh critic.
You wouldn’t need me to be something other than what I am.
If you were my friend:
You would call me just to talk.
You would be able to ask for help.
You would let your heart be known.
You would overlook my faults.
You would forget the bad.
You would lean on me.
You would talk to me from your heart,
You would accept me as I am.
You would remember the good.
You would be there.
To love is to know. You cannot love anyone you don’t know; as King Benjamin said, “For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?” (Mosiah 5:13) Whatever you feel about another, but it isn’t love until you know him, and understand his heart, like a longtime friend.
To love is to be with. You cannot know, or love anyone you don’t spend time with. Experience brings understanding, acceptance, and friendship.
To love is to be happy with. Being angry, sad, frustrated, and irritable isn’t loving. These are all emotions of rejection, they push away. Love, on the other hand is acceptance, understanding, patience, and tolerance -- the way you treat your best friend, warts and all.
Love isn’t love, friendship is love.
I don’t want you to love me.
I want you to be my friend.