I’m familiar with eternity.
The Lord gives me dreams.
I know God.
I have received a righteous family.
I feel true love.
I have a broken heart.
I have a testimony of Jesus Christ.
I gave up my job.
I’ve been sealed for all eternity.
I posses the gift of charity.
I know why.
I let go of my children.
I have hope for my children.
I have been forgiven of my sins.
I keep the Sabbath day holy.
I served a full-time mission.
I went to the temple hundreds of times.
I know about creation.
I have found salvation.
I let go of my dreams.
I didn’t indulge in sexual appetites.
I didn’t do what I wanted.
I sacrificed my perfect home, rejected by my own.
I gave up my wife.
I seek to know the will of the Lord.
I walked away from my house that I built.
I sacrificed my land.
I have received revelations.
I no longer have a fallen nature.
I sacrificed my money.
I am a son of God.
I have learned wisdom.
I’m not an enemy to God.
I work for Him.
I have a contrite spirit.
I pray always.
I know my mission.
I have received the Holy Ghost.
I remember Him always.
I have written the word of God.
I know the Tongue of Angels.
I love others.
I have humility.
I know the prophets.
I seek permanence.
I’m not selfish.
I pray every day.
I don’t fear.
I have seen visions.
I’m not afraid of change.
I’m a prophet.
I pay tithing.
I’m not afraid of pain.
I have the gift of tongues.
I received the gift of healing.
I know the hymns of Zion.
I understand the scriptures.
I’m not afraid of losing everything.
Eternal life is in reach.
I don’t like temporal things.
I pay generous fast offerings.
I have hope.
I am qualified to do the work of the Lord.
I look forward to seeing Him.
I take the Sacrament.
I’m not afraid to die.
I know who I am.
I attend church every week.
I’ve spent thousands of hours searching the scriptures.
I have repented of all my sins.
I’ve been justified.
I don’t grieve death.
I have written thousands of pages in my journal.
I submit to leaders.
I am a just man.
I’m not interested in anything temporary.
I know myself.
I do everything for Him.
I quit lying.
I’ve spent thousands of hours on my knees.
I think of others.
I understand my own motivations.
I have compassion.
I have the Holy Spirit for my guide.
I didn’t seek pornography.
The things of the world don’t interest me.
I don’t seek wealth.
I submit to all the will of God.
I live for eternity.
Everything on this list would be different if I did not have faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Every one of them would be different. Exactly how they would differ, I cannot tell, but I wouldn’t be in any way the same. It’s night and day. There is no comparison. On the outside, from the view of others, I’m still just me. As Joseph Smith, Jr. said, “No man knows my history.” Nobody can see any of the things that make up my faith in Christ. Nobody can see my heart. Nobody knew me before, and nobody knows me now -- except for Him. The journey is hard, at times, but always filled with wonder because I love learning and growth. I am so grateful for Him, for all He is, for all He does, and for including me in His mercy, grace, love, and charity. Blessed be His holy name forever!
I’ve been justified.
I don’t grieve death.
I have written thousands of pages in my journal.
I submit to leaders.
I am a just man.
I’m not interested in anything temporary.
I know myself.
I do everything for Him.
I quit lying.
I’ve spent thousands of hours on my knees.
I think of others.
I understand my own motivations.
I have compassion.
I have the Holy Spirit for my guide.
I didn’t seek pornography.
The things of the world don’t interest me.
I don’t seek wealth.
I submit to all the will of God.
I live for eternity.
Everything on this list would be different if I did not have faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Every one of them would be different. Exactly how they would differ, I cannot tell, but I wouldn’t be in any way the same. It’s night and day. There is no comparison. On the outside, from the view of others, I’m still just me. As Joseph Smith, Jr. said, “No man knows my history.” Nobody can see any of the things that make up my faith in Christ. Nobody can see my heart. Nobody knew me before, and nobody knows me now -- except for Him. The journey is hard, at times, but always filled with wonder because I love learning and growth. I am so grateful for Him, for all He is, for all He does, and for including me in His mercy, grace, love, and charity. Blessed be His holy name forever!