Man is “what,” and woman is “why.” Man creates things and a woman gives them life. Geppetto created a puppet, but a Woman gave it life. She came twice to bring life, first to give it opportunity to learn by experience. Geppetto sends it out to suffer in the world alone, but the Woman gives light, the light of Christ, a conscience to guide it through the world. She comes again at the end to give it life -- or resurrection. She judges the puppet to be worthy of life because it has repented and sacrificed itself for the Father, Geppetto. It learned to love. It then becomes a real boy through Her magic touch.
Women are uniquely qualified to give life to the lifeless. All that man creates is lifeless, things that serve a purpose, things people want, but it takes a woman to give it life, to make it work, to bring love, to give it purpose. Men create children. Women give life to them. Independence is masculine, inter-dependence is feminine. Women nurture life by bringing children from dependence to independence -- and then back to inter-dependence, or love. She is there at the beginning, and in the end. The child grows up and becomes a real man through her nurture and admonition. She is the One who brings it to maturity, to guide the dependent to become independent. Then, She is there to take His things and give them life.
Man is the letter, but Woman gives it spirit. “for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6) The spirit gives life to things. Things come easily, but life is not cheap. Men get little scratches and cuts as they fashion their puppets and other gods of wood and stone. Women bring life through their own blood, sweat, and tears.
Women can be corrupted in a male world by immature men who want her life, her touch. Men know that she can give life, and they feel like they can suck the life out of her. These men assume their desire for touch is all a woman has to offer. They are puppets playing on Pleasure Island. They use a woman and call it love. There is no life in the relationship. She is as a man, dealing with things, doing things, she doesn’t give life. She has so much more to offer than sex and making food. If he only uses her body and mind, he will lose the very gift she has to give him, what he really wants -- life -- to become a real boy!
The world loves marionettes bound by strings and hates life, so all that is Feminine is rejected. The giving of life is demeaning. We can prevent that. Nurturing life is disparaged. Women are not taught to be women, they are supposed to be men. They are to enjoy pleasure without giving life. The flesh is the thing. The letter is the thing. The puppet is the thing. They are to compete in men's games, live the actor’s life on Pleasure Island and become jackasses like the men. They can use their body to get the things of the world. There is no love, no life, no nurturing, no conscience, no light, no growth -- nothing is real. All is vanity.
Life, love, light, and truth are completely foreign on Pleasure Island so there are no women. A real woman does not belong here. She is utterly suppressed and cannot come out. She can only sit inside and look out through the windows of her eyes from her distant star and see the world and the corruption thereof. There she sits, watching, hoping, praying for the time when she can be herself, and do her work, and give life to a world of lifeless dummies.
The puppets must decide they want more. If they want life and love, they will escape Pleasure Island and brave the deep -- and the monsters. They will give up their tendencies to be jackasses, be ashamed, let go, and seek out those who are lost to bring them home to safety. They will be heroes, giving their lives for others. They will make sacrifices by giving up all they want, or all the things and pleasures of the world, to have that which comes from a distant star -- love. "bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love;" (Alma 38:12).
A man must prove himself a true hero. She will bring love when he is ready, when he is worthy, when he is prepared to receive it. He must grow up emotionally, cut the strings, and choose to sacrifice. Only then will a real Woman come to bring life, and true love. She was there in the beginning to give him life, and if he proves worthy, She will be there in the end to make him a real boy!