Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Seven Veils of Truth

When the famous atheist Richard Dawkins was asked what he would do if he died and found himself standing in front of God, he replied, "I would ask, 'Why did you hide so well?'" It may be that God is hidden so we would have to seek Him. Active seeking is a requirement. 

"O how... blind and impenetrable
are the understandings
of the children of men
for they will not seek wisdom!"
(Mosiah 8:20)
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) is often quoted as saying, "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."  The truth, or the knowledge of the Lord, is very effectively kept from the world so that only those who are actively seeking wisdom will find it. It is hidden, as Paul says, "We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom." (1 Cor 2:7) While in our blindness we may stumble over it, nobody ever randomly stumbles upon truth because it is hidden behind seven veils.

The Veil of Paradox
First, Truth is hidden by being so different from the world that it is unexpected, or paradoxical. There are so many apparent contradictions that must be reconciled. It's hard work, and most are unwilling to make the effort. "Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." (Isaiah 6:3) The word "holy" means "separate," or "set apart." Yet, at the same time, God is the most connected, and is in all things. God is absolutely just, and yet completely merciful. He is hidden from view, and yet open and available to all. The things of God are so completely different from those of the world that truth is often just the opposite of what we expect so we are blind to it. The Lord specifically tells us, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." (Isaiah 55:8) We literally cannot see the truth that God is holy, and at the same time the whole earth is full of His glory. It's too paradoxical. 

The Veil of Arrival
The second way it's hidden is through multiple levels of understanding. When people receive some spiritual enlightenment they often say, "Now I understand!" They feel they have "arrived" at enlightenment and feel it is enough and quit looking for more. Enlightenment seems so all-inclusive when it is received; knowing something makes one assume he knows everything. They have all they need, all they can understand, or, really, all they want. A few delve deeper into the "mysteries," but never actually come to know God. They have a "hobby" of justifying their understanding that consumes all their efforts. Some may actually discover the "Pearl of Great Price," but are content to admire it from afar. They don't take the necessary steps to obtain it by making the required sacrifice of selling all they have to get it. Having seen it and knowing it exists, is enough, they don't actually want to possess it so it remains distant from them, completely out of reach. They have learned all they want to know; they're content, it's enough. They have arrived.

The Veil of Desire
The third level of security is that truth is hidden within a mass of "red-herrings." It is "hidden in plain sight" by being characterized with all the other "churches" that say they teach truth. There is no way to get through this barrage of error without a lot of work, and some discernment. These churches of the world filter out everyone that isn't seeking absolute truth by offering whatever else they could want. Some want to deny the existence of God altogether. Some want to believe they are gods, self-created and powerful. Others want to believe in a god of nature, making the created into the creator. Still others want to believe in a god that is like a cross between Santa Claus and Superman -- he has all power to give me what I want. Whatever a man could desire to believe is out there, readily available. These philosophies are more logical and appealing to the natural man and will coincide with his desires so those who aren't really seeking the truth will preferentially choose them.

The Veil of Distractions
The fourth obstruction to finding truth is the distractions of life. There are so many things in the world to do it's easy to procrastinate our spiritual growth. We need to work. We need to earn money. We need food, clothing and shelter. We have families to raise. We can travel. We can learn and grow in so many ways. We can spend all our time learning about the world around us that we totally neglect our own spiritual growth, God, and the truth. As the Apostle Paul explained, people are "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim 3:7) Moreover, the people we associate with aren't seeking growth so it's easy to fall into complacency. In short, the distractions are all the things of the world that we seek instead of God. We choose to spend our time with the world, instead of the Lord.

The Veil of Unbelief
The fifth way that God is hidden is behind many layers of doubt. The human brain is set to take in certain information and filter out whatever we don't believe. For this reason, we only see, hear, or feel what expect according to our beliefs. Our society, our family and those around us give us the foundation upon which we build our beliefs. These are "the traditions of our fathers" that bind us to what we already know and prevent us from learning new things. These beliefs are maintained through self-justification, and the truth is discredited. For example, if a prophet reveals the Word of God, people don't attack the truth that was revealed, but rather the prophet as a human with weaknesses and therefore unworthy of revealing the truth. This hides the truth that was revealed. If people don't read the words of that prophet, or don't believe that he could speak the words of God, they won't be able to find this truth. The Scriptures are also discounted based not on evidence, but rather lack thereof. People then don't know where to look for truth. Those who don't believe raise doubt, they ask, "Where's the evidence?" "How do you know Christ lived?" "It's unreasonable to believe in miracles." "Science is based on reason, religion is based on faith." "It's primitive to believe in a powerful God." Like crabs in a bucket, non-believers are constantly pulling-down any who would try to escape to find the truth.

The Veil of Physical Senses
The sixth protection from finding Truth is our own physical senses. Humans are dual beings: we have a set of senses of the spirit and a set of the physical body. The natural, or default senses that are used are those of the body. The large majority of people don't automatically see, hear, or feel their own spiritual nature because these senses must be trained, and developed over time. So, when people aren't seeking God they will automatically see only the things that are of the world. Joseph Smith explained, "Neither is man capable to make them known, for they are only to be seen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit." (D&C 76:116) Since the things of God are holy and not discernable by the natural man, not with the eyes, ears, or feelings of the body, most people will filter it out, passing it by as if it weren't there at all. The senses of the body are so overpowering that those of the spirit are easily pushed aside. We feel "love" when we're with a person we need. We feel "peace and rest" when we are on vacation. We use the word "joy" when our child graduates from school. We feel "happy" when we hear our favorite song, or get what we want for Christmas. We "see" light, but it's only a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment. We "hear" voices, but that isn't the same as hearing the word of God. We use all the same terms of seeing, hearing and feeling, which confuse many to think it is the same as the senses of the body. Thus, it's easy to assume we know and remain spiritually deaf, dumb and blind while the truth remains a mystery.

The Veil of Definitions
The seventh way Truth is protected is by how words are defined. All Scripture is written in an alien tongue. The words of God only represent the truth in a metaphorical way. There is no way for a human being to understand something he hasn't actually experienced, no matter how words are used. For example, you could use all the metaphors and descriptive terms you want to try to explain a rainbow to a person blind from birth, but he will never really understand. Likewise, we don't understand the things of the Spirit prior to experiencing them so we use metaphors. Aside from the senses, as described above, all the words of Scripture have spiritual meanings. As Steve Martin exclaimed, "Those French have a different word for everything!" No scripture is written in an Earthly language. The language of Scripture is called "The words of the prophets" or "the tongue of angels." Though we may read it in English, Latin, German and so forth, those are only "reference languages" to the language of the Spirit. For example, "mountain" always refers to a "Temple" which refers to the "house of the Lord" which is metaphorical for "Heaven," finding our bearings and getting directions "home" which also is metaphorical for "Heaven," meaning "the place where God dwells." However, even the word "place" is metaphorical. For this reason it is impossible to learn or understand the words of the prophets without the Holy Ghost. Nobody will be able to get at the truth without His help.

The Labyrinth
It's impossible to find our way through all of these veils by accident. Even if a person is trying with all his might, it is impossible to reach the door without a Guide. Yet, in reaching the door we find multiple combinations and keys preventing entry. This is better security than any bank or fortress could provide. It's truly impenetrable. Within this unsearchable labyrinth shrouded in mystery, locked inside an impenetrable vault lies the Pearl of Great Price, the Tree of Life, and all that is truth, freedom, peace, joy, love, happiness, fulfillment and rest. The door accepts only one person at a time; each must go in alone. The Holy Ghost is the one that leads us through the maze to the door of the vault of truth. "They that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived... shall abide the day." (D&C 45:57)

Those who are or have been within the walls and have understanding are forbidden from revealing what they see, hear, and feel, except for that small part that is made generally available. Alma explains, "It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him." (Alma 12:9) They can only say that they have seen, testifying that it exists and pointing the way for others to obtain it for themselves.

Why Hide the Truth?
We are here on Earth as a probation. Lehi explains that "the days of the children of men were prolonged... that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation..." (2 Nephi 2:21) God has given us a choice, and if the answers were known ahead of time there would be no choice. The terms of our probation are simple: "the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in [Christ]. And whoso believeth in [Him], and is baptized, the same shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God. And whoso believeth not in [Him], and is not baptized, shall be damned." (3 Nephi 11:32-34) It all starts with belief. We have to believe before we can see because one of the veils is unbelief, which hides the truth better than any other.

The truth is hidden out of mercy. God does not want His children to fail their probation and be cast out forever. He wants them to succeed and be happy. He loves His children -- all of them. Part of the reason for all the security surrounding the truth is so those who aren't interested don't learn too much, rebel and be cast out of Heaven. Because of the Great and Last Sacrifice of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we aren't responsible for anything we don't know. We may transgress the laws and will of God in ignorance and be forgiven. "And they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrection; and it shall be tolerable for them." (D&C 45:54) Ignorance really is bliss!

Thus, it's extremely important to God that those who are unable, for whatever reason, to repent not learn the truth. They are then protected, and will be able to be in Heaven with a measure of glory that they are willing and able to bear. Thus, hiding the truth under so many layers and behind so many locks is a manifestation of God's mercy. He is so kind! He loves all His children! What a great Father! What an awesome God!

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