Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Prophet

I feel the need to write about a remarkable man who has made a difference in my life, and in the life of every person living and dead. It was said of him, after he was killed, that he "has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it." (D&C 135:3) I took that with a grain of salt for many years, not really understanding what it meant. I thought it may be an exaggeration, a little hyperbole written by his cohorts to emphasize how much they thought of him. I thought, "Really? To put him at the level of Jesus Christ? Above Moses and Abraham, Peter and Paul?" Actually, I don't think even the authors fully understood how true that statement really is.

People have filled the world for thousands of years. Prophets have come and taught about our Creator, God, while others have taught about false gods. False gods are generally concerned with what we can see, hear, feel, and know through our senses, while the true God gives knowledge about higher things that are not of this world. Sacrifices of what we know and think are required in order for us to receive the greater knowledge. Prophets have all taught these things, but there is one that stands out more than all the others.

Joseph Smith was only a boy like any other in a rural community in New York in the early 1800's. He was looking for truth, like almost everyone else. He had no special gifts or talents. His family were poor farmers, living off the land through hard work. But what he accomplished in only twenty years is astounding!

When Jesus walked the Earth in Palestine, He organized a church with apostles and prophets who were commanded to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) Peter, Paul, and the Apostles of that time tried, but were all killed before they could fulfill that commandment. Since that time Christians have generally tried to bring this knowledge to others, but much of it was lost.

The ancient Church of Jesus Christ taught concepts that were subsequently lost when the Apostles were killed. The scriptures were there, but there was nobody who could interpret them. People were "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Ephesians 4:14) And deceive they did.

The most important information was lost entirely -- the knowledge of the purpose of life. For almost two thousand years nobody knew why we existed, where we came from, or what happened after this life. There were all kinds of theories, ideas, and philosophies, but nobody really knew for sure, until Joseph Smith.

While translating the Bible into English, Joseph saw that much was missing from the original manuscript of the writings of Moses. One particular scripture is foundational, the most concise answer to all the "why" questions of life, that reveals God's goal for all of His children. In it, God is talking to Moses on the mountain, and tell him about the purpose of life,

"For behold, this is my work and my glory -- to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39)

This statement is simple and concise, yet most profound and glorious! God has two purposes for man:
1. To make him immortal, and
2. To give him Eternal Life.

All religions and philosophies, before Joseph Smith, believed that these two terms were synonymous, and most still do. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Eternal Life is continually growing, learning, achieving, and improving. Immortality only means to continue to exist forever. Immortality is a gift given to everyone by Jesus Christ, but Eternal Life must be learned. It is something we grow into as we fulfill our purpose of life.

If you go to any school, philosophy, church, or religion in the world, and if they believe that life is forever, they will have some concept of heaven and hell. If you are good you go to heaven, and if you are bad you go to hell. In some cases all are going to hell, in others, all are going to heaven. The truth is so much more wonderful than any conception of man. Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions..." (John 14:2) God is so merciful that He has created a Heaven for everyone who desires it. While Paul briefly describes in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 the various glories in the resurrection, Joseph Smith gives us details as to what they are, who goes to each, and how to receive our desires in D&C section 76. There he also revealed the meaning of "the third heaven" that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 12:2.

All growth or improvement requires the following:
1. A goal
2. A plan
3. A commitment
4. A sacrifice

Before Joseph Smith people didn't know where they were going -- they had no goal so they couldn't even begin the process of growth. The best they could do was to live a moral life in order to receive a higher glory than those who were mean and selfish. Thus, all religions and philosophies were on the same level. Because of Joseph Smith, however, we know what God has prepared for His children -- His goal for us. For the first time in almost two thousand years there is a real goal.

After having a goal, there must be a plan to obtain it. If you want to learn to play the piano, just saying you are going to play it is not enough, you need a plan. This must be a true plan. Sitting and listening to Beethoven all day is not going to make you proficient in playing it, you must actually sit down with an instructor and pound on the keys. In the same sense, every goal must have a true plan, or it will not be reached. Only through Joseph Smith can we know the true plan, the straight and narrow path, that can bring us Eternal Life. All other plans cannot bring us to reach our full potential.

Also, it was through Joseph Smith that the authority to administer the plan was given. Authority is essential in every organization. Without authority there is no organization, and all turns to chaos. The police have authority to write tickets to those who break traffic laws -- it would not be good if anybody could collect fines for infractions of the law. Parents have authority over their children, and nobody else can discipline them without being authorized by the parents. Likewise in the Church of Jesus Christ the authority is given to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances, which are the commitments we make to God to carry-out the plan. This allows us to be coached on the path, making all the sacrifices needed to receive Eternal Life.

Moreover, Joseph Smith didn't just affect people in his own day, his influence is generational, from the beginning to the end of the world. There have been billions of people who have lived without the ordinances of salvation. In order to enter into "the third heaven" and receive eternal life it is essential that each receive the ordinances. Through the Prophet learn how we are able to help those who went before without a knowledge of the plan by performing these ordinances vicariously for them. Thus, all who ever lived on the Earth will have the opportunity to achieve the highest glory, to fulfill their purpose for existence, and receive "the greatest of all the gifts of God." (D&C 14:7)

In short, Joseph Smith, in his short life, did more for the salvation of mankind, besides the Author of salvation Himself, than anyone else.
1. He brought a knowledge of the purpose of mankind, and the reasons for our existence on the Earth -- our goal.
2. He revealed the entire plan of happiness, the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. He brought the covenants and ordinances, or commitments, that allow us to follow the plan.
4. He organized a church to administer the ordinances and help people carry-out the plan.
5. He prepared the way for all those who lived before to receive the same covenants and ordinances.
Through this man we have the ability to fulfill the purpose for our existence, that of Eternal Life. And not just we, but every person who ever lived has this same opportunity.

Thus, to say that Joseph Smith was a prophet is to belittle his profound contribution to mankind. No other prophet has such a direct effect on the eternal salvation of every son and daughter of Adam. While other prophets revealed truths about God to their own generation and those that followed, the things revealed by Joseph Smith have an immediate effect on all of mankind. The personal salvation of most people, and every family is dependent on the knowledge, ordinances, and authority given through him. Indeed, your own salvation, or your ability to reach your full potential, is dependent on him.

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