Over the past several weeks I have been thinking about Karyn's half-century birthday. I wanted to do something specific and significant, and not just give her a crock pot. I prayed for a gift that would be meaningful, to express how much she has done for me, but I was given so much more.
This morning I woke up with the thought: What if Karyn wasn't even born? I thought of how tragic that would have been. I thought about all the people that would be affected. It occurred to me how much she has influenced the world in fifty years. Like I usually do, I started writing. As I wrote, more things just came to me, and I wrote them down. I would like to say that I wrote it, but it would be more truthful to say it was dictated to me. Only when I got to the last sentence there was a word I wanted to use but the word "incredible" was given and I heard Eddy's voice. Then, I looked back and realized that he had given me the whole thing. There are signature words, phrases, and references, such as using the middle names of all of his children. So, this is a gift to Karyn, from us. Happy 50th Birthday!!!
To Karyn Camille Garza Hughes
Think of all the amazing things you have done in fifty years. Think of all your travels, all your children, all your friends, all your family members, and how you have influenced them for good. Think of all they have been able to do because of what you have done, and all the people they have and will influence for good. The things you have taught, the way you have lived your life, thus far, has been a tremendous blessing to so many people in the entire world!
If you had not come into the world 50 years ago:
There would be no Heather Camille Hughes
There would be no Meaghan Elise Hughes
There would be no Christian Edward Hughes
There would be no Sarah Nicole Hughes
There would be no Kehli Noel Hughes
There would be no Heidi Marie Hughes
There would be no Micah Thomas Hughes
There would be no Shannon Michelle Hughes
There would be no Ethan Daniel Hughes
There would be many thousands of people from all over the world -- Argentina, Canada, Chile, and coast-to-coast in the United States -- who would not come to know God in this life.
Mike Chen would not be serving a mission.
I would still be searching for love in all the wrong places.
Because of you the world is a better place:
There is more love.
There is more peace.
There is more joy.
There is more happiness.
Because of you Heaven is greater:
More people are baptized.
More people go to the Temple and make covenants with God.
More families are sealed together.
More of God's work is done.
God has more glory.
To have such a powerful and great influence over the whole Earth in your generation is significant. Your life is significant. You are great. You have changed lives for the better, and for GOOD! --many lives! By doing God's work, teaching your children to do His work, and influencing those around you to do His work you have already become great in His eyes:
You are the salt of the Earth that brings savor to all of society.
You are the leavening that causes all the world to rise.
You are a true disciple of Christ, a real Christian, a servant of the most high God, and an ANGEL.
You do not yet even know how much good you have done. These few things we have mentioned here can only scratch the surface of the treasures in Heaven you have accumulated in your half-century on Earth. At a future time, you will know. You will know forever and ever as you enjoy your treasures for all ETERNITY.
You will be able to fully understand when you have incredible joy in the Kingdom of God with all of your "children" or those you have brought with you (including me).
Scott and Eddy
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