Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Creation Science

Men are designated as the creator of things.  Men have analytical minds to invent and engineer the things that improve lives.  They also have the physical strength to lift and build, and the finesse to craft the materials needed.  How amazing have been the creations of man!

Women, on the other hand, create people.  Women have the physical ability to fashion a body from two germ cells into trillions of perfectly-integrated cells that form the miraculous human being.  No two are exactly alike, even if they share the exact same genetic code.  She then has the instincts and faculties to nurture a child to maturity.  The infant can feed from her breasts until he has the ability to eat food.  She has the aptitude to teach the child, allowing him to become an independent adult who can then create.  Her sons will be able to create things, and her daughters will be able to create people.

Throughout history men have dominated societies because of their physical strength.  Until the modern era physical strength was required for survival in many ways.  First of all, the work of providing the necessities of life required hard physical labor.  Just as important, though, was protection from the evils of a world where people believed in the "survival of the fittest."  Those who were stronger could overpower the weaker, steal food, goods, and life.  Pillaging the bounty of others was a way of life in all ages.  The strongest and greatest warrior became the king because it was thought he could protect his subjects -- and he could enforce his commands.  Men naturally fit into this role.

Partly for this reason, the administration of society has also been the lot of men.  Also, however, men have the ability to govern because they aren't burdened by caring for children.  They can leave their seed with the woman and have no other contact with children.  They don't need to think about the rising generation at all.  They can continue their work in society uninterrupted.  It's a natural circumstance.

Even in the Church of Jesus Christ it is given to men to "preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances thereof" through the Priesthood.  Women are not given this opportunity.  My wife and I had discussed this topic extensively.  She was very "progressive" in her thinking, assuming that as the Church became more enlightened, the Priesthood would be given to women.  However, soon after our first son was born I arrived home from work and the baby was feeding at her breast.  She looked up and said, "I would rather do this than have the Priesthood any day!"

Most societies in the history of the world have valued physical strength and the invention, creation, and possession of things over the creation of people.  Women were considered a "necessary evil" for gratification of sexual desires and production of children.  Often, the latter was considered an unfortunate side-effect of the former. 

Today, in spite of our supposed enlightenment and civility we continue to value women and their role as less than that of men.  Women are told that they must compete with men for strength, agility, and the creation and possession of things in order to have value.  The creation of people is still not valued.  In the last thirty years we have "legally" killed more babies through abortion than all wars ever fought throughout the history of the world.  Moreover, modern methods of birth-control are sure enough to prevent pregnancy so women are expected to use them. 

The woman's value as a creator of people is depreciated to the point that if she cannot compete with men in the marketplace or in administration she is only good for satisfying men's sexual needs.  This attitude is found as much in women as men in all areas of society.  Women pose for pictures without clothing to earn money from men who want to fantasize an intimate relationship.  Movies, advertising, television shows, and all other media put women on the same level as candy while depreciating their true value as a creator of people.  It's women that drive the "fountain of youth" industries as they try to remain sexually attractive to men.  A woman I know with nine children is often criticized with comments like, "haven't you ever heard of birth control?"  These depreciations mostly come from women.  Women don't even value themselves as creators.

Alphonse Carr stated, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."  Though our trappings have changed, we are no more enlightened in our modern society than the Visigoths, Barbarians, Greeks or Romans.  The true measure of civilization is the relative value placed on people over things.  We are as they were.

When our society truly progresses we will eventually become civilized and value people more than things.  At that point the creative abilities of women will be valued more than those of men.  Men will lose their position as "the stronger sex."  We will understand that the creative and nurturing abilities of women have more benefit than the creation and administration of things.  Both are needed, however, enlightenment brings the truth that the woman’s role in the creation of a single human being is a far greater project than all things ever created by men -- combined. 

I believe that there are two paths, either we follow all previous societies to destruction, or we follow the path of wisdom.  Wisdom requires that we have everything -- and everyone -- in their proper place.  True enlightenment will make women the most respected and revered members of society -- "far above rubies."


  1. As a mother of Eleven, I understand why other mothers wonder if the mom of nine has ever heard of birth control. I found mothering to NOT be as fulfilling or satisfying as you present here in the mother who said she would rather nurse than hold the priesthood. I found mothering to be much much harder and more laborious and taxing than any work I have ever done outside the home. I for one recommend less children unless the effort to provide for the children and mother by the father matches the effort the mother puts out. I noticed a few years ago that I was required to do for one child then two then three then four then five etc. etc. etc. with the same amount of hours and money no matter how many children I had but my husband was only required to work 40 to 60 hours per week and make as much as he could to provide. There was and is a great inequity when the man is the provider of the income with which the woman must figure out how to stretch all the WHILE creating MORE babies and caring for them. I have even done the be the provider AND create babies. I find your post quite annoying. I do not see how raising the AWE and value factor of creating people will EVER lower the exhaustion factor and dissatisfaction of the job. I associated with other families with many children for years and years so I did not feel that my job was not valued, IT WAS SIMPLY TOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

  2. Thank you for your comments. I understand the sentiment because my own mother, if she read my blog, would have made the exact same comments -- and she only had 4 children!

    This illustrates perfectly what I'm talking about. Women themselves don't appreciate thier creative abilities.

    What you have done is no less than miraculous. All of your efforts are not in vain, you just haven't tasted the fruit of your labors -- yet. You are begining to see them as your children have children. Soon, what you will come to know is that what you created is far greater than the Empire State Building, the atomic bomb, or the Internet. You have created life -- for eternity! Your efforts are OVER, but the BENEFITS go on forever as your children have children, and theirs, and so on.

    Happiness! (If I could spell Mozeltov, I would have said that)
